Error Configuring Endpoints with FreePBX 16.0.33 and OSS Endpoint Manager

I’ve set up one extension in my FreePBX so far, but I discovered OSS Endpoint Manager and wanted to see if I could get a better workflow. Company is insistent on using free software. So far I’ve been able to set up the package server, install the Polycom package, and fix the “Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated” error. Now it’s giving “Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_DEPRECATED)
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Services_JSON has a deprecated constructor.”

I know that it’s caused by the module targeting an old PHP version, so I’m hoping that there is an easy fix. I’m just not able to figure it out on my own. Is OSS EPM just not worth the hassle anymore?

The community needs to go through the module and bring it up to date. @billsimon has a 16 fork which may have some of the efforts done, perhaps he can say more

I played with it a while, just enough to correct PHP errors. I do not recommend using it. Sangoma’s EPM is far better integrated and certainly better supported.

Well, there’s my answer. I’ll just uninstall the module then and provision everything manually. I only have funding approved for phones and hardware.

jwhittaker has yet another fork of the billsimon endpoint man

GitHub - jwhittaker/endpointman: further freepbx 16 php7 fixes project

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