EPM with S505 phone no APPS

I have FreePBX with several brand new Sangoma S505 phones and I purchased EPM with the UCP. Trying to configure the phones, when I push the Apps button, I get a “Failed to load XML file”. The button is programmed for: Which 88 is the configured port in the Sys Admin module.

When I do a "locate applications.php on the PBX, it has a symlink in the /var/www/html/restapps dir that poinst to /var/www/html/admin/modules/restapps/applications.php but its broken because that directory is not there.

I then do a fwconsole ma list |grep restapps

I do a fwconsole ma install restapps:
Unable to install module restapps:

  • Cannot find module

What am I missing? Thanks for any help.

fwconsole ma downloadinstall restapps

Thank you. That got it installed. Now when I do a:
fwconsole start restapps

I get:
Running Asterisk post from Restapps module
RestApps Server has already been running on PID 3970 for 4 days, 19 hours

So that’s good. When I push the Apps button on the phone, I still get a:
Fail to load XML file

When I navigate to:

I get a 404.

I suggest opening a supoort ticket under the phones department. Something seems weird on your setup.

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