EPM "swallows" all umlauts

Is there a trick to enter umlauts in the BLF? Unfortunately these are completely deleted after saving. But in Germany there are names with umlauts.

For example, if I enter the name “Müller”, it becomes “Mller”.

This is already deleted directly in EPM. If a corresponding name is entered there and I go to save, the umlauts have disappeared again and can therefore not be transferred to the phone.

The phones can have umlauts. Currently I have to add this by hand again and again if something has changed in the provisioning.


There are several freePBX modules which sometimes have problems with German Umlaute.
If, in your case, it is just the name of the internal extensions…why dont you use ue oe ae and ss instead?

Because it is partly about proper names. And there are enough people who make a fuss about having to spell your name differently.

And it is not only the umlauts that are missing. Several characters from other languages are also missing, but they do occur in names. And in some cases they are also a distinguishing feature.

And to be honest, a lot of money was paid for this module, which to be honest is absolute rubbish. But this could only be determined after the payment was made. And it is expected that you will continue to pay for updates every year, although the module has not really been updated since 2018, apart from a few bug fixes.

So you can expect that at least something like this works.

But I probably won’t get around to building a provisioning server myself.

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Hi @diwou As you are using commercial module so request you to please open [a commercial support ticket here so we can try to dig further into your issue. Thanks a lot.

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Umm, no this module is not a lot of money. It is $149 USD up front and ~$26 USD per year. That is nearly nothing for what the product does.

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