Endpointman provisioner url not found

Hi everyone,

I’m updating the community endpointman module a bit to make it compatible with php 8 and I see that the list of providers is downloaded from a freepbx url and is no longer operational:

Is this a temporary problem due to the migrations to github or has freepbx removed this page permanently?

@kgupta @jcolp

Hi @vsc55 AFAIR I have never published open source endpointman module so not sure if our FreePBX mirror used to provide this module or not.
however code is present in GitHub - FreePBX-ContributedModules/endpointman so you can freely modify this.

Hi @kgupta,
Yes, the module repository is FreePBX-ContributedModules, but the information about firmware versions/brands/models/etc… was downloaded from the master.json that was hosted on the freepbx mirror.
I don’t know since when this stopped working, or if the freepbx mirror only acted as a proxy for some third-party websites like www.provisioner.net that I see is also offline.
GitHub - provisioner/Provisioner: The is the central location for the Provisioner Module for VoIP/PBX Servers. Most of the new work is happening inside the v5-dev branch

Can you get more information about this @kgupta ?

endpointman provisioner url not found · Issue #75 · FreePBX-ContributedModules/endpointman · GitHub raised to keep track of this issue.

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Ok, thanks @kgupta.