Endpoint device list is now empty. Polycom Product Module gone


Presently: Endpoint device list is empty. This used to contain 80 phones of various models. No outage occurring at the moment. The configured phones appear to be functioning normally for the moment.

I have lost the “Polycom Product Module” and all of my phone models. I cannot recover.

I am seeking advice on whether adding Polycom product modules a new is the correct course of action. I do not know what the overall system impact will be.

End Point Configuration Manager…
Not able to connect to repository. Using local master file instead.
Not able to connect to repository. Using local Provisioner.net Package
Aborting Brand Downloads. Can’t Get Master File, Assuming Timeout Issues!
Learn how to manually upload packages here (it’s easy!): Click Here! "Click Here!" is a dead link

Manual Endpoint Modules Upload: http://www.provisioner.net/releases3 is also a dead link.

Are you using Elastix? I don’t think you are talking about the FreePBX End Point Manager here but I could always be wrong. If it is Elastix it would be better to ask on the Elastix forum.