Elephant in the Living room?

We see from @penguinpbx lots of posts today ! ( so we know hemust be reading what’s been going on But he is totally quiet on the Western Front :wink:

So I ask him if he has removed that ridiculous ban of his yet ?

I believe it would behoove him if he did that :wink:


My guess is we will hear nothing at all. Sangoma does not care about the community. We might after a week get some official response after 5 teams have vetted it and it will be all BS just like the lip service they gave @apiban in the past.


Until James is reinstated, I suggest any of us who provide free assistance here boycott these fora, who knows, we could be next :wink:


I completely agree with this. The amount of time a select few spend assisting users in this community on their own dime to allow Sangoma to profit by the growth of FreePBX needs to come to an end until they agree to make changes here. A few names that come to mind are;
@lgaetz @BlazeStudios @FreerPBXer @franckdanard @xrobau



Agree with you philosophically @dicko but practically, it would only harm the community.


:elephant: :leaves: :house:

…last seen enjoying some of the weekend and Veterans Day :us: :military_helmet: work-life balance.

There’s been no change in the Conduct of Conduct regarding ad hominem attacks. The project suffers when new users get inadvertently mired in that kind of fud-mud. Warnings will continue to be issued before temporary and/or permanent bans.

Happy to discuss @dicko during Open Source Office Hours!

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Are you suggesting that you would be “Happy to discuss @dicko” with anyone in the closed source “Open Source Office Hours!” program or perhaps that you would ‘discuss’ #FreeJames with me (@dicko) privately?

Either ways I think not keeping all this in the open would surely continue to sow fear and loathing in FreePBX land.


Well, its Office Hours, which is typically smaller than, say, an Open House – will get the latter set up soon, was taking it step-by-step :hiking_boot: not quite ninety days green into the OSSA :cowboy_hat_face:

Not sure how to interpret your metaphorical post, but I think elephants and cowboy hats fit more comfortably in Open Houses than an Advocates Lobbies ( no spurious punctuation or emoticons from me today :wink: !! )