hi all,
my SIP Trunk provider
i have got this working with my freepbx server with a uk number but im just wondering if they can provide egypt numbers aswell ie +20
if not does anyone know what SIP Trunk provider offers egypt numbers
hi all,
my SIP Trunk provider
i have got this working with my freepbx server with a uk number but im just wondering if they can provide egypt numbers aswell ie +20
if not does anyone know what SIP Trunk provider offers egypt numbers
Numbers from anywhere in the Arab world are hard to come by. Most of the specialty providers have obscene prices, typically north of $200/mo.
I found this on didx.net but don’t know whether the vendor is reputable:
Is there a way to get a +20 virtual number is alias and add it to my voipfone account
I know nothing about Voipfone but you are basically asking them to add a new upstream provider. If you were a huge customer, they would do it, but for one small account, it makes no sense. Perhaps you could convince them that there is a big demand for EG numbers in UK and offering them would result in lots of new accounts. IMO, very unlikely.
If you can get reliable EG DDI from another company, that’s your best bet.
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