DNS entry in Google Domain / Secure https

Hi ,
I am trying to get a static dns entry for sangoma free pbx in Google domain , the client has his existing domain set in Google FYI… willing to configure secure https access, to have phone App works and phones provisionning… BTW i will go with LEts Encrypt for the ssl certificate .
Has anyone already experienced such manner ?

Hope to find a well defined steps !!!

I have in the past used

to do that, the exact recipe is in

by default it will issue use ZeroSSL for it’s CA but if you insist, it can use Let’s Encrypt.

I will most definitively works with LE as it is simple and easy to install .
Hope i get this fqdn created before this thread is closed , so i can test it into the pbx and come eventually with more questions .

Thanks !

Don’t confuse LetsEncrypt as an ‘issuing authority’ with the acme client in FreePBX known as LE (which has lots of problems currently). acme.sh can effectively replace it and allow easy issuance and timely updating of certificates from various authorities including LetsEncrypt without messing with your firewall rules.

For Google Domains, I don’t think your path could be easier than a ‘one time’ set it and leave it use of acme.sh and using DNS01. You will still need to create the A record for your domain manually

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