Direct Dial To EXT Ringing Infinity!

I have trouble in case the customer(caller) call to Inbound then connecnt to IVR, the customer will connect directly to Ext(callee) they want to talk with Direct Dial Method Optiont in IVR.

Trouble happening when the Ext(callee) avalible and don’t pickup the phone call form Direct Dial of customer, the call will ring Ext ultil the customer(caller) hangup the phone. In this case if the customer don’t hangup the call the call will still open.
I think the Ringtime Default must be effect in this case to have the stop point for the call.
The Info of my system:
Asterisk Version: 13.22.0
FreePBX Framework

What happens when the Ext is dialed directly, without the IVR? When dialing from the IVR, do all phone extensions ringing infinitely, or only the one you’re testing? For an extension that’s having the problem, do they have any Find Me/Follow Me rules set? Also, what would you like to happen if the Ext doesn’t answer a direct call from the IVR? For example, should it go to the Ext’s voicemail, or do something else?

Thanks @wmoon for your answer.

  • “What happens when the Ext is dialed directly,” ==> same situation
  • “do all phone extensions ringing infinitely, or only the one you’re testing” ==> all extension is same.
  • " Find Me/Follow Me rules set?" ==> it not be set when i testing.
  • " what would you like to happen if the Ext doesn’t answer a direct call from the IVR? For example, should it go to the Ext’s voicemail, or do something else?" ==> none setting for that.

I found the option Ring Time in , Extension >>Advance>>Extension Options. But it just work if the voicemail of ext turn on.
So for my solution now, i just config the time in Find Me/Follow Me of this extension(working). But i want to set the time ring for all ext without config the voicemail, follow me,… Is there an option?

For each extension, you must set Advanced → Optional Destinations → No Answer to (for example) Terminate Call → Hangup. If you have many extensions to change, you could do it with Bulk Handler.

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Thanks so much @Stewart1

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