Dell Hardware - Compatibility with Installers

The FreePBX16 installer doesn’t seem to be compatible with some of the raid controllers in some of the new dell servers, forcing me to go the virtualization route. I’ve encountered this with two different servers so far.

Is there a resource that outlines compatibility with some of the new machines with Dell?

Any information / knowledge would be great!

The underlying OS is CentOS 7. You could look at what hardware CentOS 7 supports and go from there. But in general Linux isn’t really meant to work on a hardware RAID controller. Linux likes to implement RAID in software so you probably want to use a controller that can expose the underlying hard drives directly to the OS and let the OS handle the RAID configuration.

I’ve been facing the same problem going the Linux raid route as well

So the tricky part here is to see if the RAID controller can be put into JBOD mode. Linux raid won’t work until all the drives are just exposed to the OS.

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