Default certificate expiring

My freepbx15 is set up for Letsencrypt certificate. The server is running fine. Recently, I’m getting security alert of the default certificate expiring soon. Can I delete the default certificate? Should I?

I would if you have your own that you are using in the system.

Do you mean to delete the default certificate? No need to create a new one.

I said that your FreePBX15 has a Letsencrypt certificate setup. Use that instead of the default one.

I’ve deleted the “default” certificate. I’m still getting the security notice on the expiring “default” certificate. How can this security alert?

Did you correctly configure the server to use your LetsEncrypt certificate under Admin → System Admin → HTTPs Setup → Settings?

Yes, the browser is showing the pad-lock with details of the LetsEncrypt certificate

System Admin ->HTTPS setup is showing only the LetsEncrypt certificate in the selection. Looks to me the server is setup properly.

I might have figured why the server kept sending the alert notice. The did not delete error message on the dashboard after I’ve removed the “default” certificate. Now that the message is deleted. Let see if I will get the security notice again.

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