Debian source repository (deb-src)


I recently set up a fresh Debian Bookworm system with FreePBX 17 and migrated everything over from an old FreePBX 16 install. Yay! Smooth sailing with the installer script and backup restoration.

What I didn’t check into beforehand was whether or not there was a deb-src repo for all the packages that get installed. I’ve been patching the prior versions of Asterisk and building my own RPMs and was hoping to do the same here.

Was hoping that it’d be as simple as adding deb-src [arch=amd64] bookworm main to sources.list, but no dice.

Nothing obvious on the repo there either for a separate directory for such.

I’d really like to make a drop-in replacement – it’d be nice to have all the package building bits!
(i.e. debian/{control,rules,patches/})

Any pointers?

Thanks for your time,


It would be but Sangoma has never provided those which would be needed to build third party modules like vosk’s stt integration

previously, one could download the srpms for prior FreePBX releases c/o

yum install sangoma-devel
yumdownloader --source asterisk...

I’m seeking the equivalent to the specfiles and patches for the binary-only packages that are currently in the FreePBX 17 repo. Nothing to do with third party anything.

It’s nothing to do directly with 3rd party anything, without knowing the compile switches, you will need to compile from source , which is not a problem, just an unnecessary pain.

Thanks, but this isn’t answering my question.

Only Sangoma can resolve it

Perhaps a great question for the new Open Source Solutions Advocate at Sangoma @penguinpbx


Howdy @morb welcome to the forums!

And thanks @jfinstrom for tagging me on the question.

I agree that the FreePBX packaging for Debian 12 can be improved. Specifically, the build path for v17 is something that I am actively looking into helping out with, and this effort fits in nicely with #2 of my “Top 5 items” mentioned in my Asterisk Blog post from last week:

  1. Distribute current OS packages into as many GNU/Linux distributions as possible.

At this point, I don’t have a fix to contribute, as I am still in the analysis and identification stage on this issue (is there an issue on GitHub for this feature request ? :hmm: :eyeglasses: will try to post back on this thread soon…)

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Thanks for the welcome and stopping by!

I can submit an issue on Github for this if that’s a preferred avenue.


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