Daily reboot of Yealink W70B

Hi !

FreePBX 14.0.17

I am looking for a way to schedule a daily reboot of a W70B DECT base.

The base is currently being manually rebooted by the users every couple days to resolve a reoccurring one-way audio issue. I know this is only a workaround, but the system will be dismantled in a few months and I do not have any access to the network, so troubleshooting is pretty much out of my head at this point.

I am guessing i can schedule some script to run a “sip notify reboot-yealink extension#” but I need help setting it up.

If it’s on power, buy a cheap power switch with a timer. There are numerous Tuya based devices out there that can even be controlled using an app.

This is a pretty good workaround, but weirdly enough, if only the power cable of the W70B is pulled , the network uptime persists and the issue is not resolved. If the reboot is initiated from the Web page, it works.

This is why i’m thinking of running some script to reboot it.

in /etc/asterisk/sip_notify_custom.conf add


Then fwconsole reload to make sure it’s in your dialplan

Then create a script that issues a reboot to your registered endpoint by the extension number - I’m using extension 100 as an example.


#Issue reboot to W70B registered at extension 100
/sbin/asterisk -x "pjsip send notify reboot-yealink endpoint 100"

Save this script, then add it to your crontab by running crontab -e and adding the line

0 0 * * * /path/to/script.sh

Then you’re seem to be running it on PoE. Maybe you can script/schedule something on the switch? Or remove PoE from the mix and go with the Tuya option?

I’ll be looking into this. I might need some additional help since i’ve never done this, but i’ll let you know.

Thank you

It is a remote site and unfortunately, I do not have access to the network environment at all.

FYI, the script that works in my case is “sip notify reboot-yealink 100”

I ran it manually and it did reboot the yealink base. I will be waiting for the confirmation tomorrow morning, but looks good for now !

Thank you Andrew !

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