D80 Still Supported?

Hi all, is the D80 still supported? There doesn’t seem to be any firmware updates for a couple of years and it looks like the voicemail app is not available.

Additionally, in the call logs I see the following error and have never been able to resolve it.

org .json .JSONException : No value for result.


I am just a user, no expert.
There will be no new firmware for the Digium D80. The voicemail app works, but you have to provision using https and a valid certficate.
The P370 is the new D80…

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Yes, P370 is the replacement for the D80.

Regarding your JSON error, looks like PBX is not responding properly or sending data which phone is not liking as a part of call log api request. You can try to check logs at PBX end.

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