I picked up an EXP150 sidecar for a D65, and it says:
Note: Pls ensure the phone pc port is set to “Connect to Expansion Module”. This setting can be found in the phone menu under “Settings>>Advanced Settings>>Network>>PC Port” or in the
That’s all I can make out because the rest is off the bottom of the screen.
Digging through the phone menu, I can go to Menu->Admin Settings->Ethernet Port Modes…but the only “modes” for the ethernet port are for link speeds (10 half-dupe, 10 full-dupe, 100, etc…).
There appears to be support in the commercial EPM for the sidecar module as there are configuration options for it…
Of course the box came with a two-page manual about the size of a pack of cards where one page is nothing but diagrams of the pieces in the box without telling you anything about connecting them, setting them up, etc…
You’ll notice that last document displays a login box. None of the multitute of accounts I seem to have to have for various Digium/Sangoma services work. No documentation for you.
You’ll also need to manually create a .xml file so you can detail how you want the buttons to behave (mine is under /var/www/html/digium_phones and is named [extension]-blf.xml).