Something broke caller ID on my custom extensions (ones I have set up with a Dial string using SCCP/ or other) on FreePBX 15.
Now when I dial to the custom extension, it shows its own number as the incoming caller ID. (e.g. I call to extension 1104, 1104 shows that 1104 is calling)
This is being set by step 18 of macro-user-callerid:
exten => s,n,ExecIf($["${DB(DEVICE/${ARG2}/tech)}"="custom"]?Set(CALLERID(all)=${IF($[${LEN(${DB(AMPUSER/${ARG2}/outboundcid)})}]?${DB(AMPUSER/${ARG2}/outboundcid)}:${ARG2})}))
There’s no outboundcid set, and we should not be executing this step anyway since it’s an internal call.
I’m trying to track down when this happened.