Create new backup task from command line

Hey Boys and Girls,

Looking for a bit of a pointer relating to backups and how to add a new backup task from the command line.

I can see from the fwconsole docs that I am able to run an existing backup or restore from an existing backup but I would like to script the creation of a new backup. Essentially every time I setup a new pbx I am adding 3 backups via the GUI (daily, weekly, monthly) but to avoid errors I’d like to script it.

Any ideas?

Take the back up script and the cron jobs that are created on one of the ones you’ve already done, then just add them to the new boxes, making sure permissions stay correct, as you see fit.

Thanks for the input @mahbell.

fwconsole backup --list gives me a list of the name, description and ID of all the backups.

Then looking at the crontab entries I see several lines like; 0 18 * * * /usr/sbin/fwconsole backup --backup=2d75ca39-9b5f-47f8-b49a-0ae9a7644735 > /dev/null 2>&1 so I can re-create the crontab entries easily enough

But I don’t see a way to “take the backup script” or even if I could, a way to restore the backup script… Are the details for the backups stored in a file somewhere or in a DB table maybe?

you use --dumpextern and --externbackup

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