I have a corrupted ASTDB on a Trixbox 2.4 system. A “database show” ends after about five entries. The last entry is:
/BLKVM/210/SIP/208-b7db11b0 : TRUE
None of the CALLTRACE, CW, or DEVICE entries are visible.
The disk was full recently, so this may have caused the problem.
Go to Extensions, select each extension that you have, click Submit on each.
When done, click on Apply Configuration Changes
This will re-create the settings for AMPUSER and DEVICE so that your system will be up and running.
Do an amportal stop to shutdown asterisk. Rename the file /var/lib/asterisk/astdb to, for example, astdbold. Start asterisk again with amportal start and go through the extension submitting each entry.
I have a server with thousand of users and I need a script to rebuild the whole ASTDB after a MySQL DB migration. Do you know which FreePBX function I should call?