Converting SIP extensions to PJSIP with fwconsole damage EPM module

I’ve two pbxs where i restored a full FPBX15 backup onto a fresh FPBX17 Debian vm.
All was right but not EPM module (and other activities related to extensions). If i try to do some mods i always obtain an error like:

Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_WARNING)

Undefined array key “user”


I’ve already tried to uninstall and reinstall EPM (latest version Tried to rollback to previous version, nothing changed. Also tried rolling back to; no success.

Problem seems not to be related a restore BUT it seems to be generated after extensions are converted from sip to pjsip. Same problem with FreePBX 15. In all cases we converted sip extensions to pjsip then the problem appeared.