Converting SIP extensions to PJSIP with fwconsole damage EPM module

I’ve two pbxs where i restored a full FPBX15 backup onto a fresh FPBX17 Debian vm.
All was right but not EPM module (and other activities related to extensions). If i try to do some mods i always obtain an error like:

Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_WARNING)

Undefined array key “user”


I’ve already tried to uninstall and reinstall EPM (latest version Tried to rollback to previous version, nothing changed. Also tried rolling back to; no success.

Problem was specific on Grandstream phones inside EPM module. So title is not realistic.

It was present both after a restore or in a new fresh Debian and fpbx17 install. So it was not related backup/restore but only abount EPM module.

It has been solved thanks to Sangoma support with edge module published yesterday.

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