Connection error

My laptop is Windows 7

I am running AsteriskWin32 powering the free PBX.
I am trying to use free QuteCom as a softphone, every time I try to configure SIP profile it gives me error messages
Please help with any ideas to make SIP profile work so that I can make calls

I disabled the firewall, but nothing is happening


That project hasn’t been updated in 5 years and is based on Asterisk 1.2

How are you using FreePBX with it?

Sorry, I am running AsteriskWin32 PBX. Asterisk as the server, and the WillVoice PBX MANAGER Free Edition.
Configuring the SIP profile

Account name:—
SIP Domain/Realm:

Is it wrong to use the IP address for the server when configuring the SIP profile?


This is a FreePBX forum, I have no idea what a Willvoice PBX is.

I highly suggest you download a current and supported version of Asterisk and FreePBX from our download section. Install it on a dedicated computer or to a virtual machine on your desktop.

Asterisk creates a PBX that rivals the features and functionality of traditional telephony switches.
I am running AsteriskWin32 0.66b built from Asterisk

Full Download: Setup-0.66b.exe

I had to modify sip and exten files for the SIP configuration to work, but I still get a connection error


I don’t know was this nonsense means.

Asterisk 1.2 is 5 years old and hasn’t been supported in years.

Not sure you noticed but this is a FreePBX forum. FreePBX is the most popular Asterisk based PBX in the world and supports all current versions of Asterisk.

We have convenient ISO builds of Asterisk and FreePBX in our downloads section.

If you had a modern Asterisk/FreePBX you would not need to be modifying sip.conf.