Configuring CDR reports

I have some issues when I try to see the CDR reports from the browser. I use a SQL ODBC connector to connect to the database and I believe that I configured correct the Asterisk cdr and odbc configuration files because the data is stored correctly in the database table. The only problem is when I try to get the information from the browser.

I tried to modify the $legacy_conf_defaults values from the /var/www/html/admin/libraries/freepbx_conf.class.php file but with no results. Also I tried to modify the values from /etc/amportal.conf but I obtained the same result.

I don;t know exactly if the values are correct. If I have a SQL Server on host(InstanceName = TESTDB) which contains a database named MYDB and you can access it with user=test, password=testP via the sql driver named asterisk-connector shouldn’t the values be:

I believe that the problem is when the PHP script makes the query to collect the information.

I also tried to modify the /etc/freepbx.conf file and to set the CDR variables (CDRDBUSER, CDRDBPASS, …)