Config SMTP to send Voicemail to Email

Hi i like to configure the Voicemail to sendme email when arribe a message.

I check the Send via email, but i never recive.
Sering on WEB i see to install the Webmin, intall it and see are 7 emails to send.

I like to configure the SMTP or know why the system dont send the emails.


Sorry for the english

PD: i Have in my LAN another server whit email server.

You will have to configure postfix to use a relay host

relayhost = []


relayhost =

You can find detailed instructions in /etc/postfix/ or follow this link

Thankyou Very Much i have bad configuration.


The old and hated Trixbox had a configuration page for this.

I just changed the postfix file and added relayhost=[] and works fine afterwards