Commercial Endpoint Manager EPM - edit custom extension values after mapping extension

FPBX ver 17
CEPM ver
Commercial EPM - Extension Mapping - Add Extension. A form pops up when I choose ‘Custom Extension’. I fill in the form’s fields and press [Send].
Where are the custom extension values stored?
I may need to edit the Destination Server IP address after adding the mapping. Clicking edit does not show the custom extension values.
How do I edit the custom extension values after mapping the extension?

Thank you,

More information. The Custom Extension created when adding an extension is not listed in the Extensions module under the Custom Extensions tab.
Choosing the mapped extension and clicking the pencil (edit) icon does not show the custom extension values.
How do you edit the custom extension values after the extension is mapped?

Thank you,

Hi @jakthree ,

All custom extensions details are present in “Custom Ext Management” page which can be accessed from the right navigation bar of endpoint page. You can add new custom extension and edit existing extensions.


I overlooked the Custom Ext Management selection. Thank you for showing it to me.

A follow up question. I have several extensions mapped to the same Custom Extension. The Custom Ext Management page shows multiple of the same entry.

All of the entry settings are the same.
Is each entry mapped to an individual extension mapping?
Can I remove all but one of the entries?
Thank you,

@jakthree ,

Yes, they are probably duplicate entries, so you can remove all except one entry.


I deleted the duplicate entries and had only one of each entry. I found that the extension mapping that was associated with the ‘duplicate’ entry was also deleted. I had to recreate the extension mapping. I checked Custom Ext Management to find the ‘duplicate’ entries were recreated.

A couple things to note here.
If you create a ‘Custom’ extension using extension mapping and the delete the mapped extension, it does not remove the Custom Ext Management (CEM) entry.

If later you recreate the ‘Custom’ extension using extension mapping, then a new duplicate looking entry will be created in CEM.
That is how I ended up with many duplicates. However there is no way to tell which CEM entry is actually being used!

Can you duplicate the issue?
Is it a bug?

Thank you,

Hi @jakthree ,

Whenever an extension mapping of custom extension is deleted, it does not remove the Custom Ext Management entry. It is expected behavior. Also you can use that same custom extension once again if required.

If you want to delete custom extensions, then you can use the Custom Ext Management page.


I agree that that when the mapped extension is deleted that the custom extension is not deleted. If you then Add Extension the un-deleted custom extension is listed in the extension dropdown list and can be used once again. I understand that is the expected behavior and I have no problem with that.

What I have a problem with is when there are duplicate custom extensions. There is no way to know which custom extension is mapped to an extension.

I created two identical custom extensions.
I then create/map an extension and choose one of the duplicate custom extension.
I then create/map a second extension and choose the remaining duplicate custom extension.

I want to keep the first mapped extension, but no longer need the second mapped extension.
I then delete the second extension mapping. By design, the duplicate custom is not deleted.
I then want to delete the duplicate custom extension. I don’t know which custom to delete because I don’t know which one is being used by the first mapping.
If I by chance select and delete the custom extension that is being used by the first mapping, then the first mapped extension is deleted.

Again, there is no indication of which custom extension is being used or which mapped extension it is associated with.

In the Extension module, if extension 1000’s Max Contact value is set to a value of 4, then the dropdown list contains 1000-1, 1000-2, 1000-3 and 1000-4.
I propose the that when creating a new custom extension, that the creation form also includes an ‘index’ number, or some type of unique identifier. The account login credentials would remain as they are. When adding an extension, the selection dropdown would display ‘custom extension-index number’ number like 2000-1, 2000-2.

Thank you,

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