Cli spoofing - Change caller ID -

I am new on asterisk so plz accept my simple question

My status:

I had installed asterisk on CentOS 7
Connected it to a trunk ( Go-Trunck)
Using Magnus billing
My dialer is zoiper

Everything is set correctly , and I can make calls from my dialer (zoiper) to my number But the caller ID is

Now I want to change the caller ID , but I do not know how ?
Plz help

I had tried to add below command , but nth work :frowning:

here the location of the file

File /etc/astersik/extentions_magnus.conf

The code :slight_smile:

Exten => _X.,1,set(CALLERID(num)=+1234566)

Are you using FreePBX?

I only have

Installed asterisk on CentOS 7
Connected it to a trunk ( Go-Trunck)
Using Magnus billing
My dialer is zoiper

are FreePbx included ? , if not so no I donot use it

am I on the wrong place :wink:

I think yes, you are in the wrong place. Youโ€™re not using FreePBX and posting to FreePBX forum.