Hey everyone,
I’ve been working on getting 8865/8861 phones (both 3PCC and K9) to play nice with FreePBX. I previously used usecallmanager, but I couldn’t get auto-answer to work for paging or intercom.
I managed to get SCCP Manager installed, but I noticed there’s no template for the 8865, and it doesn’t seem to support the H.264 codec.
Here are the key features I’m trying to achieve but running into trouble with:
- Auto-answer for intercom/paging
- DND/BLF functionality
For the 3PCC phones, they send a DND XML event, but Asterisk returns a “bad event” error. Everything else works fine.
For the K9 phones, I haven’t tested DND yet, but it’s supposed to work with the patch. The main issue I’m running into is auto-answer. From what I understand, you need to have an intercom extension and a main extension for it to work. That would be fine if I could subscribe to the main extension for BLF and speed-dial the intercom extension for auto-answer.
I actually got a good deal on the 3PCC phones—I ordered a bunch of K9 models and ended up getting 3PCC ones instead. If the DND XML event worked with Asterisk, sticking with the 3PCC phones would be a lot easier to manage.