Cisco 8851 Register 2 extensions to device

Hello I am trying to configure my Cisco 8851 devices to allow for 2 extensions to be registered at once. One Extension 5806 is a personal extension that only this phone will have access to whereas 5000 is a HelpDesk Extension that multiple phones need to be able to receive calls to. Whenever I try and add the additional line I get SIP Registration errors due to bad authentication. The username and passwords are set properly for both accounts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

chan_skinny, chan_sip, or chan_pjsip?

Protocol logs?

Configuration screenshot?

Hey, thanks for the reply.

We decided for our Administrative phones we were going to move over to YeaLinks for better support but for our general phones which don’t have any special requirements we were going to keep them Cisco as we are trying to save costs. We are migrating off from Call Manager and we have a bunch of new cisco phones that we want to repurpose. Thanks again for the reply.

I have the same issue, unable to add a second SIP line; it’s stuck on registering.

You have the same lack of supporting information.

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