Cisco 7941G gets a "Registration rejected"

Hi everybody,

I recently got my hands on a Cisco 7941G. I flashed the firmware to SCCP but now i get a “Registration rejected : Device unknown” error. The only way i can use it right now is, when i allow HotLine in the SCCP_manager but then, im only able to call the configured HotLine number.
I hope somebody has a solution to that.

Kind regards,

Come on, does nobody want to help me! :frowning:

Not sure how many people are going to be able to offer help on a phone that was discontinued 15 years ago and a 3rd party driver for SCCP. Using both of those leaves you in an “unsupported” setup that most in the forum can’t help with.

Hi Mathis,

Here’s what you need to do. First, you can only use the SCCP firmware with a specially modified version of FreePBX. You would need to build Asterisk with the chan_sccp driver and then load FreePBX on that - and then there is an older SCCP endpoint/config manager that runs under php 7 that you can bolt on to FreePBX. People have got it working on FreePBX 16 but no word on FreePBX 17. I’ve been tying with the idea of porting it to php 8 but frankly, even if you got all of that running, your PBX is going to have to transcode audio from SCCP to SIP to use the phone to actually make calls. I don’t recommend that approach.

The other approach is to flash the phone over to SIP firmware. Then you run it with a stock FreePBX 17 system using chan_pjsip. There are many places that have the SIP firmware for this phone here is one:

The phone is provisioned via TFTP server and 2 cnf files. Here is an example from my FreePBX system which I have several of these phones. You acually don’t need to go through a separate flashing step all you need to do is define the firmware in the image_version line. The SIP filename is the MAC address of the phone it is different for each phone. The default filename is the same for all phones

root@mail:/tftpboot # cat SIPDefault.cnf
# Image Version
image_version: "P0S3-8-12-00"

# Proxy Server Address
proxy1_address: ""

# Proxy Server Port (default - 5060)

# Emergency Proxy info
proxy_emergency: ""
proxy_emergency_port: ""

# Backup Proxy info
proxy_backup: ""
proxy_backup_port: ""

# Outbound Proxy info
outbound_proxy: ""
outbound_proxy_port: "5060"

# NAT/Firewall Traversal
nat_enable: "1"
nat_address: ""
voip_control_port: "5060"
start_media_port: "16384"
end_media_port:  "32766"
nat_received_processing: "0"

# Proxy Registration (0-disable (default), 1-enable)
proxy_register: "1"

# Phone Registration Expiration [1-3932100 sec] (Default - 3600)
# timer_register_expires: "3600"
timer_register_expires: "55"

# Codec for media stream (g711ulaw (default), g711alaw, g729)
preferred_codec: "g711ulaw"

# TOS bits in media stream [0-5] (Default - 5)
# tos_media: "5"
dscpForAudio: 184

# Enable VAD (0-disable (default), 1-enable)
enable_vad: "0"

# Allow for the bridge on a 3way call to join remaining parties upon hangup
cnf_join_enable: "1"     ; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default)

# Allow Transfer to be completed while target phone is still ringing
semi_attended_transfer: "1"   ; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default)

# Telnet Level (enable or disable the ability to telnet into this phone
telnet_level: "2"      ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled, 2-Privileged

# Inband DTMF Settings (0-disable, 1-enable (default))
dtmf_inband: "1"

# Out of band DTMF Settings (none-disable, avt-avt enable (default), avt_always - always avt )
dtmf_outofband: "avt"

# DTMF dB Level Settings (1-6dB down, 2-3db down, 3-nominal (default), 4-3db up, 5-6dB up)
dtmf_db_level: "3"

# SIP Timers
timer_t1: "500"                   ; Default 500 msec
timer_t2: "4000"                  ; Default 4 sec
sip_retx: "10"                     ; Default 11
sip_invite_retx: "6"               ; Default 7
timer_invite_expires: "180"        ; Default 180 sec

# Setting for Message speeddial to UOne box
messages_uri: "*97"

#Subdirectory config file location
#tftp_cfg_dir: /tftpboot/configs/sipphone
# TFTP Phone Specific Configuration File Directory
# tftp_cfg_dir: "./"

# Time Server
sntp_mode: "unicast"
sntp_server: ""
time_zone: "PST"
#dst_offset: "1"
#dst_start_month: "Mar"
#dst_start_day: ""
#dst_start_day_of_week: "Sun"
#dst_start_week_of_month: "2"
#dst_start_time: "02"
#dst_stop_month: "Nov"
#dst_stop_day: ""
#dst_stop_day_of_week: "Sunday"
#dst_stop_week_of_month: "1"
#dst_stop_time: "2"
#dst_auto_adjust: "1"

# Do Not Disturb Control (0-off, 1-on, 2-off with no user control, 3-on with no user control)
dnd_control: "0"                  ; Default 0 (Do Not Disturb feature is off)

# Caller ID Blocking (0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user control, 3-enabled no user control)
callerid_blocking: "0"            ; Default 0 (Disable sending all calls as anonymous)

# Anonymous Call Blocking (0-disbaled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled no user control, 3-enabled no user control)
anonymous_call_block: "0"         ; Default 0 (Disable blocking of anonymous calls)

# Call Waiting (0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabled with no user control, 3-enabled with no user control)
call_waiting: "1"                 ; Default 1 (Call Waiting enabled)

# DTMF AVT Payload (Dynamic payload range for AVT tones - 96-127)
dtmf_avt_payload: "101"           ; Default 100

# XML file that specifies the dialplan desired
# dial_template: "dialplan"

# Network Media Type (auto, full100, full10, half100, half10)
network_media_type: "auto"

#Autocompletion During Dial (0-off, 1-on [default])
autocomplete: "1"

#Time Format (0-12hr, 1-24hr [default])
time_format_24hr: "1"

#Date Format
date_format: "D/M/Y"

# URL for external Phone Services
# services_url: ""

# URL for external Directory location
# directory_url: ""

# URL for branding logo
# logo_url: ""

# Remote Party ID
remote_party_id: 1              ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled

root@mail:/tftpboot #

root@mail:/tftpboot # cat  SIP001F9E251268.cnf
image_version: "P0S3-8-12-00";
user_info: "phone";
line1_name: "825";
line1_displayname: "Shop House";
line1_shortname: "Shop";
line1_authname: "825";
line1_password: "f30d4dec02";
line2_name: "";
line2_displayname: "";
line2_shortname: "";
line2_authname: "UNPROVISIONED";
line2_password: "UNPROVISIONED";
auto_answer: "0";
speed_line1: "";
speed_label1: "";
speed_line2: "";
speed_label2: "";
speed_line3: "";
speed_label3: "";
speed_line4: "";
speed_label4: "";
speed_line5: "";
speed_label5: "";
call_hold_ringback: "0";
dnd_control: "0";
anonymous_call_block: "0";
callerid_blocking: "0";
enable_vad: "0";
semi_attended_transfer: "1";
call_waiting: "1";
cfwd_url: "";
cnf_join_enable: "1";
phone_label: "Shop x825 ";
preferred_codec: "g711ulaw";
root@mail:/tftpboot #

There are a couple other things.

The phone firmare is somewhat buggy there are 3 things that are critical to get it working:

  1. First the SIPDefault.cnf MUST have NAT turned on or the phone can make outbound calls but not receive them,

(Note the next thing may be fixed in Asterisk 21)
2) Second if using pjsip you must SSH/Telnet into FreePBX and at the command line /etc/asterisk you must add an entry for each extension in pjsip.endpoint_custom_post.conf as such:



Note there is a bug where this file might not be read:

  1. You cannot use a password longer than 8 characters:
    Cisco 7940 with free pbx - #4 by franckdanard

  2. You also need to define a dialplan.xml or at least touch dialplan.xml in the TFTP directory or the phone will show an error under status

  3. You must configure chan_pjzip in FreePBX to support both UDP and TCP since the phones only work reliably with TCP

Anyway, have fun with it. I’m always amazed at the staying power of these phones but the simple fact of it is that there were an enormous number of these sold 20 odd years ago coupled with Cisco UCM’s and that was back in the days when Cisco built stuff to last like tanks and did not SmartLicense their on-prem phones and many of the Fortune 1000 (like for example, Kroger) bought them. Just now some of them are discarding these systems so the used market is awash with these phones very cheap. The phones have a large screen on them so having a usable directory is a reality. Their only problem is that they do tend to use a large amount of electrical power so if you are going to run large numbers off PoE you need to watch your power budget.

Hi Ted,

Thank you, i’ll try that.
…But i still don’t get why the phone works when i allow HotLine :thinking:

With sincere thanks,
Mr. Rüdiger

Hi again,

The phone requests a config file from the tftp server, then gets it but doesn’t do anything after that. (see screenshot)

Screenshot 2024-08-21 212445
Mr. Rüdiger

The general recommendation for Cisco 79XX phones

Whatever money you think you’re saving, you aren’t. Your next step here is to do a tcpdump on the server and view the traffic probably. But then what. You are still in a position with limited community help and zero real support.


The file SEP001D705F8E21.cnf.xml is the config file and the syntax must be correct or the phone will completely ignore it.

Did you set the load line in the xml file to load SIP firmware and NOT the SCCP firmware?

Here is a detailed explanation of options in that file:

Here’s provisioning instructions for this phone:

  1. Factory reset phone
    a) power up and immediately press #

phone will say “reset sequence detected”

b) Let go of # and while the Headset/Mute/Speaker buttons are flashing
type in 123456789*0#

If it’s a really old loader version it will say:
phone will say “Delete network config y/n press 1 for yes”

Otherwise it will say
“Save network config y/n press 1 for yes”

Be very careful make sure to always delete the network config

Phone will say “factory reset initiated”


Note that the phone will go through 2 update cycles the first updates the loader the second updates the
When everything is updated the phone reboots and then will say “phone unprovisioned”

And also you will see in the /var/log/xferlog file on the TFTP server it will show that the
phone is trying to pull a cnf file with it’s MAC address

all of this is controlled by a SIPDefault.cnf file on the TFTP server

If the phone already has SIP firmware you can just run with it and
write the .cnf files. Plenty of examples exist on the Internet such as

If you want to use 3cx stuff you can use these URLs:

Here’s another guide, old but good:

Note that the 7940 can only do SIP over UDP using pjsip

See the following:

If after all this you still are having problems then post your config files here (the default one and the sep one)

highlight and click the preformatted text button including the indents?

Hello again,

From the looks of the TFTP server the phone doesn’t even request that “SIPDefault.cnf” file and other tutorials don’t mention anything about it.
I’ll still put the contens of my SEP001D705F8E21.cnf.xml file here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <timeZone>Central Europe Standard/Daylight Time</timeZone>
                <member priority="0">


            <line button="1">
                <featureLabel>Leitung 1</featureLabel>



Kind regards,
Mr. Rüdiger

Arg! My bad, I had not paid close enough attention! The 7940 is the one that uses the SIPDefault file and the SIPMAC file.

The 7941G uses the newer SEPMAC configuration files. Those are highly preferable since (among other things) they allow the 7941G to use a 7914 sidecar under SIP, etc. You can also define BLF keys if you use the CALLMANAGER patch and so on.

Anyway, the SEP file you are showing is a typical SCCP/Skinny file, and it is lacking a “load” line meaning it is NOT attempting to check the firmware on the phone - that is, you are using the firmware on the phone that the phone is loaded with and almost certainly it is SCCP firmware. You need to update it to SIP firmware which is located at the URL link above, by downloading the firmware, putting it on a TFTP server and then modifying the SEPMAC file you have to include a load line with the firmware name.

This site has a lot of info on configuring the 7941:

Firmware is here:

As the instructions on the voip-info say:

*** Simplify Updates (Auto-Loader Support) ***

This will save you a lot of wasted time trying to update newer firmware! For easiest, direct firmware updates from say factory-installed SCCP images direct to latest SIP firmware (e.g. SCCP v3.1 to SIP v7.4) — add the following files to your TFTP directory to assist the SCCP based generic Auto-Loader added as of v5.x to Cisco’s SIP/SCCP images:

  • XMLDefault.cnf.xml
  • xmlDefault.CNF.XML

Copy that file and put it in your TFTP and put in the firmware and the phone will pull the SIP firmware.

You may need to make some mods to your SEPMAC file after you update the phone but there are tons of examples of SEPMAC config files including many on the Cisco website.


I’ve made some changes to my SEPMAC file, but the phone still does not wan’t to use it.
I have my updated file down below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <timeZone>Central Europe Standard/Daylight Time</timeZone>
                <member priority="0">


            <line button="1">
                <featureLabel>Leitung 1</featureLabel>



Mr. Rüdiger

Your config file has a load of SIP41.9-2-1S

If you hit the phone’s information button while it’s saying registering, then scroll down to Phone Information, does it show that it is running this load of SIP firmware?

Does the TFTP server xferlog show the phone pulling the SEPMAC file off the TFTP server?

Have you verified with a tftp client that your TFTP server is serving out this file?

Does the phone allow you to access it’s information page from a web browser?

Just for fun I bought a 7961G off Ebay to add to my collection, it should arrive around the end of the month. If you haven’t figured this out by then I’ll post instructions.

Hi Ted,

It seems like there where some problems with the SEPMAC file:

I fixed them and now the phone accepts the file. It got it’s label and line key label, but now it’s stuck on the spinning circle while saying registering. Ive tried looking in the logs but i don’t seem to find anything.

|== Syslogd TNP== Wed May 11 15:13:43 2011
 755: NOT 15:13:43.231342 SECD: setSecMode: sec mode set to NONE (was NONE)
 756: NOT 15:13:50.921135 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:  - Entering setProtocolConfigProperties() at 1305119624545 millisecs....<RemoveItLater>
 757: NOT 15:13:50.924668 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
 758: NOT 15:13:50.926802 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
 759: NOT 15:13:50.928968 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:  - Exiting setProtocolConfigProperties() at 1305119630915 millisecs....<RemoveItLater>
 760: NOT 15:13:50.978561 SECD: clearSRSTList: cleared all SRST entries
 761: NOT 15:13:50.985682 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
 762: NOT 15:13:50.987884 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
 763: WRN 15:13:51.297137 SECD: WARN:cancelCapfOp: CAPF not in use, user cancel ignored
 764: NOT 15:13:51.298156 SECD: clearCapfList: CAPF table cleared
 765: NOT 15:13:51.318338 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:? - CUCM in config file: #0 XmlCallAgentObject: IPv4-name=[] IPv6-name=[] port=5060 priority=0
 766: NOT 15:13:51.320811 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:? - CUCM in config file: #1 XmlCallAgentObject: IPv4-name=[] IPv6-name=[] port=0 priority=32767
 767: NOT 15:13:51.323035 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:? - CUCM in config file: #2 XmlCallAgentObject: IPv4-name=[] IPv6-name=[] port=0 priority=32767
 768: NOT 15:13:51.325206 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:? - CUCM in config file: #3 XmlCallAgentObject: IPv4-name=[] IPv6-name=[] port=0 priority=32767
 769: NOT 15:13:51.327422 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:? - CUCM in config file: #4 XmlCallAgentObject: IPv4-name=[] IPv6-name=[] port=0 priority=32767
 770: ERR 15:13:51.332124 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sec.CapfProperty:? - Failed to resolve Capf Ipv4 Address with hostname 
 771: ERR 15:13:51.334271 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sec.CapfProperty:? - Failed to resolve Capf Ipv6 Address with hostname 
 772: ERR 15:13:51.337453 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sec.CapfProperty:? - No valid CAPF server
 773: NOT 15:13:51.357485 SECD: setSecMode: sec mode set to NONE (was NONE)
 774: NOT 15:13:51.368579 SECD: loadTvsSrvrCfg: Not in EMCC mode.Loading the flash file :/flash0/sec/misc/tvs.conf
 775: NOT 15:13:51.882095 JVM: emccMode=0,localOverride=1, tftpAddr1=, tftpAddr2=,tftpAddr3=,tftpAddr4=
 776: NOT 15:13:51.898407 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
 777: NOT 15:13:51.899529 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, emccMode =0, emccLocalOverride=1, tempTftp1= , tempTftp2 = , tempTftp3 = , tempTftp4 =  
 778: NOT 15:13:51.901623 JVM: setTempTftpAddress, emcc_mode=0,retEmccMode=0,LocalOverride=1,retLocalOverride=1, status=1
 779: NOT 15:13:51.926529 SECD: loadTvsSrvrCfg: Not in EMCC mode.Loading the flash file :/flash0/sec/misc/tvs.conf
 780: ERR 15:13:51.943443 JVM: tftpClient English_United_States/mk-sip.jar /usr/ram/L10N1183417023 550001 1
 781: NOT 15:13:51.948201 JVM: emccMode=0,localOverride=1, tftpAddr1=, tftpAddr2=,tftpAddr3=,tftpAddr4=
 782: NOT 15:13:51.949544 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = English_United_States/mk-sip.jar, dstFile = /usr/ram/L10N1183417023 max size = 550001 
 783: NOT 15:13:51.952821 INETD: inetdSetSSHAccess: 1 -> 1 
 784: NOT 15:13:51.953729 INETD: sshAccessWriteConf: old sshAccess:1, new sshAccess:1
 785: ERR 15:13:51.974904 ESP: rcv from tftpClient timed out
 786: NOT 15:13:51.976358 ESP: server 2 =  
 787: NOT 15:13:51.980903 DNS: SIGHUP received... 
 788: NOT 15:13:51.993403 DHCP6: sockTos = 0x60 
 789: NOT 15:13:51.997361 CDP-D: catchipcfg:getdhcpinfo IP:c0a832cc domain: chngVal:1 
 790: NOT 15:13:51.998889 CDP-D: cdpGetPortCfg SPANTOPC CFG:10
 791: NOT 15:13:52.006175 CDP-D: set pc vvlan access --> 26 
 792: NOT 15:13:52.026250 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = ::ffff: 
 793: NOT 15:13:52.027178 tftpClient: look up server - 0 
 794: WRN 15:13:52.030320 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE
 795: NOT 15:13:52.035876 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa 
 796: NOT 15:13:52.036931 tftpClient: ::ffff: is a NONsecure server 
 797: NOT 15:13:52.037780 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking 
 798: NOT 15:13:52.038594 tftpClient: retval = 10 
 799: NOT 15:13:52.039438 tftpClient: Secure file requested 
 800: NOT 15:13:52.040465 tftpClient: Non secure file approved  -- English_United_States/mk-sip.jar  
 801: ERR 15:13:52.096603 RTSOLD: opvvlan:4095->4095 advvlan:4095->4095 vvlanState=1
 802: ERR 15:13:52.099441 RTSOLD: LINK -> LINK
 803: NOT 15:13:52.110498 TFTP: [30]:Requesting English_United_States/mk-sip.jar from with size limit of 550001
 804: NOT 15:13:52.114667 TFTP: [30]:Error --> File not found 
 805: NOT 15:13:52.123896 SYSMSG: pid 30 (/sbin/tftpd) Normal Exit, status = 2
 806: INF 15:13:52.123971           runtime = 0.070 secs

 807: INF 15:13:52.124016          user cpu = 0.002604394 secs

 808: INF 15:13:52.124060        system cpu = 0.031827839 secs

 809: INF 15:13:52.124113    child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs

 810: INF 15:13:52.124161     child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs

 811: INF 15:13:52.124215    sys interrupts = 0.002348892 secs for 39 interrupts

 812: INF 15:13:52.124269 total cpu = 0.034432233 secs ( 42% utilization )

 813: NOT 15:13:52.152379 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> :: 
 814: NOT 15:13:52.154261 ESP: server 3 = :: 
 815: NOT 15:13:52.159216 ESP: send ADMIN, logging = 1, shell = 0, ipconfig = 1 
 816: WRN 15:13:52.173119 tftpClient: TC_SERVER - sendto() failed : Connection refused 
 817: NOT 15:13:52.174080 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> :: 
 818: NOT 15:13:52.199959 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
 819: NOT 15:13:52.203023 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, emccMode =0, emccLocalOverride=1, tempTftp1= , tempTftp2 = , tempTftp3 = , tempTftp4 =  
 820: NOT 15:13:52.205014 JVM: setTempTftpAddress, emcc_mode=0,retEmccMode=0,LocalOverride=1,retLocalOverride=1, status=1
 821: NOT 15:13:52.209365 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:? - Config processConfigNoError() result code=CONFIG_FILE_NO_CHANGE
 822: NOT 15:13:52.262475 JVM: Startup Module Loader - Deletion of file Successful/usr/ram/SEP001D705F8E21.cnf.xml
 823: NOT 15:13:52.264729 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.h:? - DELETE ConfigFile:(ram/SEP001D705F8E21.cnf.xml)WAS SUCCESSFUL
 824: NOT 15:13:52.266918 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - --->ConfigManager PropertyChanged:
 825: NOT 15:13:52.269248 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - <---ConfigManager PropertyChanged:
 826: NOT 15:13:52.295942 SECD: loadTvsSrvrCfg: Not in EMCC mode.Loading the flash file :/flash0/sec/misc/tvs.conf
 827: ERR 15:13:52.322400 JVM: tftpClient United_States/g3-tones.xml /usr/ram/L10N1631811789 550001 1
 828: NOT 15:13:52.327547 JVM: emccMode=0,localOverride=0, tftpAddr1=, tftpAddr2=,tftpAddr3=,tftpAddr4=
 829: NOT 15:13:52.342298 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
 830: NOT 15:13:52.344226 ESP: server 0 = 
 831: NOT 15:13:52.384689 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
 832: NOT 15:13:52.385898 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = United_States/g3-tones.xml, dstFile = /usr/ram/L10N1631811789 max size = 550001 
 833: NOT 15:13:52.414618 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = ::ffff: 
 834: NOT 15:13:52.415591 tftpClient: look up server - 0 
 835: WRN 15:13:52.418837 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE
 836: NOT 15:13:52.424237 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa 
 837: NOT 15:13:52.425292 tftpClient: ::ffff: is a NONsecure server 
 838: NOT 15:13:52.426226 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking 
 839: NOT 15:13:52.427112 tftpClient: retval = 10 
 840: NOT 15:13:52.427966 tftpClient: Secure file requested 
 841: NOT 15:13:52.428834 tftpClient: Non secure file approved  -- United_States/g3-tones.xml  
 842: NOT 15:13:52.488280 CDP-D: cdpGetPortCfg SPANTOPC CFG:10
 843: NOT 15:13:52.493896 TFTP: [29]:Requesting United_States/g3-tones.xml from with size limit of 550001
 844: NOT 15:13:52.499822 TFTP: [29]:Error --> File not found 
 845: NOT 15:13:52.509399 SYSMSG: pid 29 (/sbin/tftpd) Normal Exit, status = 2
 846: INF 15:13:52.509473           runtime = 0.070 secs

 847: INF 15:13:52.509519          user cpu = 0.002564380 secs

 848: INF 15:13:52.509560        system cpu = 0.024172558 secs

 849: INF 15:13:52.509595    child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs

 850: INF 15:13:52.509627     child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs

 851: INF 15:13:52.509673    sys interrupts = 0.003103659 secs for 57 interrupts

 852: INF 15:13:52.509721 total cpu = 0.026736938 secs ( 28% utilization )

 853: NOT 15:13:52.563381 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
 854: NOT 15:13:52.564597 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, emccMode =0, emccLocalOverride=0, tempTftp1= , tempTftp2 = , tempTftp3 = , tempTftp4 =  
 855: NOT 15:13:52.566528 JVM: setTempTftpAddress, emcc_mode=0,retEmccMode=0,LocalOverride=0,retLocalOverride=0, status=1
 856: NOT 15:13:52.816223 SECD: loadTvsSrvrCfg: Not in EMCC mode.Loading the flash file :/flash0/sec/misc/tvs.conf
 857: NOT 15:13:52.831946 JVM: emccMode=0,localOverride=0, tftpAddr1=, tftpAddr2=,tftpAddr3=,tftpAddr4=
 858: NOT 15:13:52.836401 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, emccMode =0, emccLocalOverride=0, tempTftp1= , tempTftp2 = , tempTftp3 = , tempTftp4 =  
 859: NOT 15:13:52.838294 JVM: setTempTftpAddress, emcc_mode=0,retEmccMode=0,LocalOverride=0,retLocalOverride=0, status=1
 860: WRN 15:13:53.074368 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.l10n.UserLocaleProperty:? - Unable to process LocaleProperty 'device.settings.config.localization.userlocale'
 861: NOT 15:13:53.128486 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.config.localization.userlocale.charset value=ASCII
 862: NOT 15:13:53.131426 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.config.localization.userlocale.charset value=ASCII
 863: NOT 15:13:53.133801 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.config.localization.userlocale.languagecode value=en
 864: NOT 15:13:53.136092 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.config.localization.userlocale.languagecode value=en
 865: WRN 15:13:53.138502 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.l10n.NetworkLocaleProperty:? - Unable to process LocaleProperty 'device.settings.config.localization.networklocale'
 866: WRN 15:13:53.207458 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume UCM NONSECURE
 867: NOT 15:13:53.252704 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipCcAdapter:  - cmname= cmIp= port=5060 isValid=true
 868: ERR 15:13:53.255374 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipCcAdapter:  - addSrstToCAgentList: isSrstSecure=false
 869: ERR 15:13:53.263502 JVM: tftpClient dialplan.xml /usr/cache/DP1351277100 550001 1
 870: NOT 15:13:53.268018 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = dialplan.xml, dstFile = /usr/cache/DP1351277100 max size = 550001 
 871: NOT 15:13:53.272190 ESP: server 1 =  
 872: NOT 15:13:53.306033 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = ::ffff: 
 873: NOT 15:13:53.306968 tftpClient: look up server - 0 
 874: WRN 15:13:53.310158 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE
 875: NOT 15:13:53.315667 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa 
 876: NOT 15:13:53.316691 tftpClient: ::ffff: is a NONsecure server 
 877: NOT 15:13:53.317615 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking 
 878: NOT 15:13:53.318447 tftpClient: retval = 10 
 879: NOT 15:13:53.319282 tftpClient: Secure file requested 
 880: NOT 15:13:53.328678 tftpClient: Non secure file approved  -- dialplan.xml  
 881: NOT 15:13:53.396610 TFTP: [3]:Requesting dialplan.xml from with size limit of 550001
 882: NOT 15:13:53.401972 TFTP: [3]:Finished --> rcvd 660 bytes 
 883: ERR 15:13:53.527471 JVM: tftpClient softkeys.xml /usr/cache/SK111612797 550001 1
 884: NOT 15:13:53.543635 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> :: 
 885: NOT 15:13:53.545453 ESP: server 2 = :: 
 886: NOT 15:13:53.568320 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> :: 
 887: NOT 15:13:53.569555 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = softkeys.xml, dstFile = /usr/cache/SK111612797 max size = 550001 
 888: NOT 15:13:53.591493 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = ::ffff: 
 889: NOT 15:13:53.592467 tftpClient: look up server - 0 
 890: WRN 15:13:53.595576 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE
 891: NOT 15:13:53.599636 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa 
 892: NOT 15:13:53.602192 tftpClient: ::ffff: is a NONsecure server 
 893: NOT 15:13:53.603064 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking 
 894: NOT 15:13:53.603911 tftpClient: retval = 10 
 895: NOT 15:13:53.604761 tftpClient: Secure file requested 
 896: NOT 15:13:53.605570 tftpClient: Non secure file approved  -- softkeys.xml  
 897: NOT 15:13:53.650600 TFTP: [4]:Requesting softkeys.xml from with size limit of 550001
 898: NOT 15:13:53.654829 TFTP: [4]:Error --> File not found 
 899: NOT 15:13:53.664002 SYSMSG: pid 4 (/sbin/tftpd) Normal Exit, status = 2
 900: INF 15:13:53.664082           runtime = 0.050 secs

 901: INF 15:13:53.664129          user cpu = 0.002461784 secs

 902: INF 15:13:53.664172        system cpu = 0.016823076 secs

 903: INF 15:13:53.664209    child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs

 904: INF 15:13:53.664244     child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs

 905: INF 15:13:53.664287    sys interrupts = 0.001062217 secs for 9 interrupts

 906: INF 15:13:53.664335 total cpu = 0.019284860 secs ( 20% utilization )

 907: ERR 15:13:53.959324 JVM: ..LOCALCONNECT FAILED
 908: ERR 15:13:55.219397 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.m:  - Error in downloading softkey file errorCode=2
 909: NOT 15:13:55.221606 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
 910: NOT 15:13:55.224103 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d:  - initializeLinePlane(): Mgmt Interface is in Service now..
 911: WRN 15:13:55.226195 JVM: Startup Module Loader|DisplayTask:? -  Line 1 property added with dn 3103
 912: ERR 15:13:55.228265 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.props.u:? - device.settings.energywise.keywords IO error.
 913: WRN 15:13:55.231924 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipEnhancedAlarmInfo:setLastDeregistrationReason - new reason=LastTimeTCPclosed current=14,14,14,
 914: WRN 15:13:55.234249 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.SipEnhancedAlarmInfo:getLastUnregistrationTimeReason - TimeStamp=130511973019513051197323171305119836297,1305120017464,1305119633088,1305119634153; Reasons =14,14,14,14
 915: NOT 15:13:55.929034 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
 916: NOT 15:13:57.233327 JVM: set_active_ccm: ccm=PRIMARY_CCM  port=49687
 917: ERR 15:13:57.234387 JVM: SIP : sip_transport_setup_cc_conn : Admin has not configured a valid cucm for cucm index=SECONDARY_CCM=1.
 918: ERR 15:13:57.235487 JVM: SIP : sip_transport_setup_cc_conn : Admin has not configured a valid cucm for cucm index=TERTIARY_CCM=2.
 919: ERR 15:13:57.236512 JVM: SIP : sip_transport_setup_cc_conn : Admin has not configured a valid cucm for cucm index=SRST_CCM=3.
 920: ERR 15:13:57.237453 JVM: sip_regmgr_setup_cc_conns: NO VALID STANDBY CALL CONTROL AVAILABLE!
 921: NOT 15:13:57.268636 JVM: SIPCC-UI_API: 1/0, ui_set_sip_registration_state: 0
 922: NOT 15:13:57.272597 JVM: SIP : SIPTaskProcessListEvent : sip.taskInited is set to true 
 923: ERR 15:13:57.275108 JVM: SIP : sip_tcp_read_socket : socket error=146=m
 924: NOT 15:13:57.335346 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_MSG_SEND: ccsip_dump_send_msg_info: <>:REFER s: <sip:> :1000 REFER::[email protected]
 925: ERR 15:13:57.337027 JVM: SIP : sipTransportSendMessage : No connection to ip addr <>
 926: ERR 15:13:57.338154 JVM: SIPCC-FUNC_CALL: sipTransportCreateSendMessage: Error: sipTransportSendMessage() returned error.
 927: ERR 15:13:57.339104 JVM: SIP : SIPSPISendSubscribe : failed to send message
 928: ERR 15:13:57.340149 JVM: SIP : subsmanager_handle_ev_app_subscribe : failed to send SUBSCRIBE message
 929: ERR 15:13:57.341444 JVM: SIP : SIPTaskProcessListEvent : subsmanager_handle_ev_app_subscribe() returned error.
 930: NOT 15:13:57.342788 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_REG_STATE: 1/51, sip_reg_sm_process_event: SIP_REG_STATE_IDLE <- E_SIP_REG_REG_REQ
 931: NOT 15:13:57.349593 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_MSG_SEND: ccsip_dump_send_msg_info: <>:REGISTE: <sip:[email protected]> :101 REGISTER::[email protected]
 932: ERR 15:13:57.351295 JVM: SIP : sipTransportSendMessage : Invalid socket
 933: ERR 15:13:57.352411 JVM: SIPCC-ENTRY: LINE 51/1: sipTransportCreateSendMessage      : message not sent of type sipMethodRegister=100. sipTransportSendMessage() failed.
 934: ERR 15:13:57.353460 JVM: SIPCC-FUNC_CALL: SendRequest: Error: sipTransportCreateSendMessage() returned error.
 935: ERR 15:13:57.355066 JVM: %REG send failure: REGISTER
 936: NOT 15:13:57.356262 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_REG_STATE: 1/51, sip_reg_sm_process_event: SIP_REG_STATE_REGISTERING <- E_SIP_REG_TMR_RETRY
 937: ERR 15:13:57.357276 JVM: SIP : sipTransportSendMessage : Args: pOutMessageBuf is empty
 938: ERR 15:13:57.358268 JVM: SIPCC-FUNC_CALL: sipSPISendLastMessage: Error: sipTransportChannelSend() returned error.
 939: ERR 15:13:57.359280 JVM: SIP : sip_tcp_detach_socket : Invalid socket
 940: NOT 15:13:57.370098 JVM: set_active_ccm: ccm=PRIMARY  port=-1
 941: ERR 15:13:57.371222 JVM: SIPCC-LINE_NUM: sip_platform_localexpires_timer_stop: Error: Line number (86) is invalid
 942: NOT 15:13:57.373005 JVM: SIPCC-UI_API: 1/0, ui_set_sip_registration_state: 0
 943: NOT 15:13:57.375683 JVM: SIPCC-UI_API: 0/0, ui_set_notification: Registering: 0  :20
 944: ERR 15:13:58.148549 JVM: Startup Module Loader|JniJSesssionApi:isThisFailureFromNewCause - old unregReason =14 newUnregReason=14 unregReason ignored
 945: ERR 15:13:58.150880 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d:  - regAllFailed(): mgmtState=4
 946: WRN 15:13:58.843143 JVM: Startup Module Loader|JPlatUi:  - platformResetReq: resetRequest type=2
 947: NOT 15:13:58.845261 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.fullyregistered value=false
 948: NOT 15:13:58.847595 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.pushregistry.e:? - setAcceptConnections - DISABLED
 949: NOT 15:13:59.287989 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_CTRL: sip_shutdown_phase1: In sip_shutdown_phase1 (1)
 950: NOT 15:13:59.289026 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_CTRL: sip_shutdown_phase2: (1)
 951: NOT 15:13:59.289939 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_CTRL: sip_shutdown_phase2: sip.taskInited is set to true
 952: NOT 15:13:59.290943 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_TASK: sip_shutdown: SIP Shutting down...
 953: NOT 15:13:59.291849 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_TASK: sip_shutdown:  sip.taskInited is set to false
 954: NOT 15:13:59.301459 JVM: set_active_ccm: ccm=PRIMARY  port=-1
 955: NOT 15:13:59.347282 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - --->ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.callagent.callcount
 956: NOT 15:13:59.349539 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - <---ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.callagent.callcount
 957: NOT 15:13:59.373867 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d:  - readyForSoftReset:mgmt Going out of Service..
 958: NOT 15:13:59.376143 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d:  - markLinesAsUnreg:conservative mark prior to shutting interface
 959: NOT 15:13:59.378686 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d:  - readyForSoftReset:calling shutdownCC on call control
 960: ERR 15:13:59.382904 JVM: Startup Module Loader|JniJSesssionApi:isThisFailureFromNewCause - old unregReason =14 newUnregReason=14 unregReason ignored
 961: NOT 15:13:59.385065 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d:  - shutdownAck(): mgmtState=11

Hope you can help.

Kind regards,
Mr. Rüdiger

It appears from the log the phone is indeed running SIP firmware not SCCP firmware.

Now the things to check:

  1. Is pjpsip listening on TCP port? Check your FreePBX configuration - if you go into the Extension defined in FreePBX it will say in a box if pjsip is listening to either UDP, TCP, or both. The phone normally talks TCP for it’s SIP registration but it won’t hurt to put both TCP and UDP on in the FreePBX configuration

  2. Is pjsip listening to port 5060?

  3. You have a userID/password defined in the phone for:


Do these match what is defined in the extension?

These lines in the log show:

931: NOT 15:13:57.349593 JVM: SIPCC-SIP_MSG_SEND: ccsip_dump_send_msg_info: <>:REGISTE: sip:[email protected] :101 REGISTER::[email protected]
932: ERR 15:13:57.351295 JVM: SIP : sipTransportSendMessage : Invalid socket
933: ERR 15:13:57.352411 JVM: SIPCC-ENTRY: LINE 51/1: sipTransportCreateSendMessage : message not sent of type sipMethodRegister=100. sipTransportSendMessage() failed.

So, just for testing purposes - download the free Linphone softphone and run it on a PC:

Linphone open source VoIP SIP softphone - voice, video and instant messaging

put in the same registration info you have defined in the file for the phone - does Linphone register in?

Have you looked in the FreePBX logs for asterisk and do you see a registration attempt?

Is the phone subnet/ip address defined as allowed in the pjsip configuration

Is the phone subnet/ip address defined as allowed in the FreePBX firewall?

You are very close to getting it working I think.

1 Like

Hi Ted,

The phone finally registered and i can make calls to other extentions. But other extentions can’t call the phone. Have you got any idea what could be the cause for this?

Kind regards,
Mr. Rüdiger

At the Asterisk command prompt, type
pjsip show contacts
Does 3103 show as Avail?

If not, do you see reachable/unreachable or contacts being removed/added in the Asterisk log?

If yes, paste a log of a failed call, with pjsip logger on, at and post the link here.

Hi Stewart,

The log file was too big for pastebin so i uploaded it to a Github repository. The link down below:

Mr. Rüdiger

Unfortunately, pjsip logger was not on for some calls, which might be an issue.

Tell us which calls are relevant and what went wrong.

The log shows ext 3103 called at 10:05:35, answered 7 seconds later, put on hold, taken off hold, then parked, with no obvious error. Did that call have a problem, such as no audio?

There are 7 calls in the log. Which were bad?

Asterisk was restarted in the period logged. Be aware that cancels pjsip logger (and sip debug), so you have to turn them back on after the restart/reload.

Hello again,

The only thing i know is that i could call from 3103 but not call to 3103 from other extentions.

Mr. Rüdiger

Hi Mathis,

Please post your current SEPMAC config file