CID-Superfecta: problem with ä,ö,ü and ß - ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8 conversion not working - workaround for german provided

or the bug is located here…in superfecta.class.php

			$callerid = trim($callerid);

			$found = false;
			if (!empty($callerid)) {
				$found = true;
				//$first_caller_id = _utf8_decode($first_caller_id);
				$callerid = trim(strip_tags($callerid));
				if ($superfecta->isCharSetIA5()) {
					$callerid = $superfecta->stripAccents($callerid);
				$callerid = preg_replace("/[\";']/", "", $callerid);
				//limit caller id to the first 60 char
				$callerid = substr($callerid, 0, 60);
				// Display issues on phones and CDR with special characters
				// convert CNAM to UTF-8 to fix
				if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
					$this->out("Converting result to UTF-8");
					$callerid = mb_convert_encoding($callerid, "UTF-8");
				//send off

If I edit the entry in the superfecta-cache sql-database and add the german umlaut, the next superfecta lookup overwrites this change…and still displays a ‘?’ instead of a ‘ä’.
If superfecta always reads the superfecta-cache entry for the lookup results, it could still be the mysql-mariadb-connection issue…

No it’s not that. You are looking at the wrong thing. PHP is correct and I know this because of your Bruno extension above. That’s php talking to the database. The problem with superfecta is that there are too many UTF-8 workarounds. Unfortunately someone just has to look at it and no one has time.

Superfecta was written at a time before mysql supported utf-8. So it does needless utf-8 conversions.

ok…it seems to me superfecta looks up a name, converts the result to UTF-8, writes the UTF-8 converted result to the superfecta-cache (mysql) but unfortunately does another (UTF-8?) conversion during that process. The text in the sql database is converted twice to UTF-8 and misses e.g. ö,ü,ä and ß.
This text from the cache is presented as the final result of a superfecta lookup…and it has lots of ?s in the text…

Just a hypothesis… :wink:

FINALLY!!!…I found a workaround :wink:

in superfecta.class.php I had to replace

			// Display issues on phones and CDR with special characters
			// convert CNAM to UTF-8 to fix
			if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
				$this->out("Converting result to UTF-8");
				$callerid = mb_convert_encoding($callerid, "UTF-8");

with this

  		// Display issues on phones and CDR with special characters
  		// convert CNAM to UTF-8 to fix
  		if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
  			$this->out("Converting result to UTF-8");
  			$callerid = iconv('ISO-8859-15//TRANSLIT', 'UTF-8', $callerid);

mb_convert_encoding could not convert the output of the Herold-Austria-template (ISO-8859-15) to UTF-8. So I just replaced it with iconv…quick and dirty…I have no clue of coding :grin:

If someone could tell me how to get rid of it? Not important, but would be nice :wink:


Click the minus next to it. Your change will get overwritten when the module next updates.

Did you add this information to your issue?

thanks, yes I added the info, but I realized that it is only a partial fix. The problem is that the website herold-austria uses ISO-8859-15, and I edited the code of superfecta.class.php, but when superfecta looks up the name using the LDAP-template connecting to my openLDAP-server, I get “MeAller” instead of “Müller” using my herold-austria-template fix…because my LDAP-server already provides the text in UTF-8.
So someone has to find a way to use iconv with certain settings for certain lookup-templates…every template needs a fixed conversion setting…

I think to fix the charset conversion problem for the german language, one needs a character replacement option in superfecta for a few characters:
ä => ae
ö => oe
ü => ue
Ä => Ae
Ö => Oe
Ü => Ue
ß => ss

…thats all what is required…there is no need for any fancy conversion stuff…especially if it is overdone (in Superfecta) already :wink:

I don’t think any conversion needs to be done because everything in the chain supports UTF 8. Again the code in superfetca was written back when getting UTF 8 into mysql was horrible.

Probably the other issue is that the superfetca storage table is latin1

by “superfecta storage table” you mean the asterisk-superfectacache table in the sql database? It says utf8mb4_unicode_ci on my system. I don’t understand…

The problem is in superfetca. No mb_ functions need to be run. No conversion of UTF 8 needs to be done. That is how you fix superfetca. Thats the only way.

I would agree…yet, my perfect results with the iconv iso-8859-15 to UTC-8 conversion of the herold-austria-string suggests otherwise…

What is needed is a charset-conversion-option for every non-english source-template in the webgui of superfecta. :wink:

If this is not feasible…one character replacement table for all source-templates in the superfecta webgui (which can be customized by the user) would do the trick…

ok…since nobody speaks German here and nobody was interested in the german umlaut conversion problem of CID-Superfecta…I had to find a workaround.

Depending on the charset of the strings the different source-templates produce…it either results in beautiful german umlauts and ß, or the umlauts and the ß are converted to ae, oe, ue…and ss
My edited superfecta.class.php is as follows…check line 191 and 205 :wink:

// vim: set ai ts=4 sw=4 ft=php:
//	License for all code of this FreePBX module can be found in the license file inside the module directory
//	Copyright 2013 POSSA Working Group
namespace FreePBX\modules;
class Superfecta implements \BMO {
	private $schemeDefaults = array(
		'Curl_Timeout' => 3,
		'SPAM_Text' => 'SPAM',
		'DID' => '',
		'CID_rules' => '',
		'processor' => 'superfecta_single.php',
		'multifecta_timeout' => '1.5',
		'Prefix_URL' => '',
		'SPAM_Text_Substitute' => false,
		'spam_interceptor' => false,
		'SPAM_threshold' => '3',
		'interceptor_select' => '',
		'sources' => array(),
		'name' => null
	private $spamCount = 0;
	private $destination = null;
	private $agi = null;
	public function __construct($freepbx) {
		$this->freepbx = $freepbx;
		$this->db = $freepbx->Database;
	public function install() {

	public function uninstall() {

	public function backup(){

	public function restore($backup){

	public function doConfigPageInit($page){
		return true;

	* Chown hook for freepbx fwconsole
	public function chownFreepbx() {
		$files = array();
		$files[] = array('type' => 'file',
												'path' => __DIR__."/agi/superfecta.agi",
												'perms' => 0755);
		return $files;

	private function out($message) {
		if(is_object($this->agi)) {
		} elseif (php_sapi_name() != "cli") {
			echo "<span class='header'>".$message."</span><br/>";
		} else {
			echo $message."\n";

	public function setAgi($agi) {
		$this->agi = $agi;
	public function execute($scheme='ALL', $request, $debug=0, $keepGoing=false) {
		if(empty($scheme) || !is_array($request) || empty($request)) {
			return '';

		$trunk_info = array();

		foreach($request as $key => $value) {
			$key = preg_replace('/^agi_/','',$key);
			$trunk_info[$key] = $value;

		$this->out(sprintf(_("Scheme Asked is: %s"),$scheme));
		$this->out(sprintf(_("The DID is: %s"),$trunk_info['extension']));
		$this->out(sprintf(_("The CNUM is: %s"),$trunk_info['callerid']));
		$this->out(sprintf(_("The CNAME is: %s"),$trunk_info['calleridname']));

		//If ALL then run through all Schemes, else just the single one
		if($scheme == 'ALL') {
			$schemes = $this->getAllPoweredSchemes();
		} else {
			$schemes[0] = array("name" => $scheme);

		include __DIR__ . '/includes/superfecta_base.php';
		include __DIR__ . '/includes/processors/superfecta_multi.php';
		include __DIR__ . '/includes/processors/superfecta_single.php';

		global $db, $amp_conf, $astman;
		$options = array(
			'db' => $this->db,
			'amp_conf' => $amp_conf,
			'astman' => $astman,
			'debug' => 0,
			'path_location' => __DIR__ . '/sources',
			'trunk_info' => $trunk_info

		foreach ($schemes as $s) {
			$this->out(sprintf(_("Starting scheme %s"),$s['name']));
			//reset these each time
			$cnum = $trunk_info['callerid'];
			$cnam = $trunk_info['calleridname'];
			$did = $trunk_info['extension'];

			$options['scheme_name'] = "base_".$s['name'];
			$options['scheme_settings'] = $this->getScheme($s['name']);;
			$options['module_parameters'] = $this->getSchemeAllModuleSettings($s['name']);

			switch ($options['scheme_settings']) {
				case 'superfecta_multi.php':
					//TODO: This is broken and needs to be fixed, there are better ways to do it of course
					//for now send all results back through to single
					//$options['multifecta_id'] = isset($multifecta_id) ? $multifecta_id : null;
					//$options['source'] = isset($source) ? $source : null;
					//$superfecta = NEW \superfecta_multi($options);
				case 'superfecta_single.php':
					$superfecta = NEW \superfecta_single($options);


			// Determine if this is the correct DID, if this scheme is limited to a DID.
			$rule_match = $superfecta->match_pattern_all((isset($options['scheme_settings']['DID'])) ? $options['scheme_settings']['DID'] : '', $did);
			if ($rule_match['number']) {
				$this->out(sprintf(_("Matched DID Rule: %s with %s"),$rule_match['pattern'], $rule_match['number']));
			} elseif ($rule_match['status']) {
				$this->out(_("No matching DID rules. Skipping scheme"));

			// Determine if the CID matches any patterns defined for this scheme
			$rule_match = $superfecta->match_pattern_all((isset($options['scheme_settings']['CID_rules'])) ? $options['scheme_settings']['CID_rules'] : '', $cnum);
			if ($rule_match['number']) {
				$this->out(sprintf(_("Matched CID Rule: %s with %s"),$rule_match['pattern'], $rule_match['number']));
				$cnum = $rule_match['number'];
				$this->out(sprintf(_("Changed CNUM to: %s"),$cnum));
			} elseif ($rule_match['status']) {
				$this->out(_("No matching CID rules. Skipping scheme"));

			//if a prefix lookup is enabled, look it up, and truncate the result to 10 characters
			///Clean these up, set NULL values instead of blanks then don't check for ''
			if ((isset($scheme_param['Prefix_URL'])) && (trim($scheme_param['Prefix_URL']) != '')) {
				$start_time = $superfecta->mctime_float();

				$superfecta->set_Prefix($superfecta->get_url_contents(str_replace("[thenumber]", $cnum, $options['scheme_settings']['Prefix_URL'])));

				if ($superfecta->prefix != '') {
					$this->out(sprintf(_("Prefix Url defined as: %s"),$superfecta->get_Prefix()));
				} else {
					$this->out(_("Prefix Url defined but result was empty"));
				$this->out(sprintf(_("Prefix Url result took %s seconds."),number_format((mctime_float() - $start_time), 4)));

			$trunk_info['callerid'] = $cnum;

			if($this->agi === null) {
				$callerid = $superfecta->web_debug();
			} else {
				$callerid = $superfecta->get_results();

			$callerid = trim($callerid);

			$found = false;
			if (!empty($callerid)) {
				$found = true;
				$callerid = strtr($callerid, array("ü" => "ue", "ö" => "oe", "ä" => "ae", "Ü" => "Ue", "Ö" => "Oe", "Ä" => "Ae", "ß" => "ss"));
				$callerid = trim(strip_tags($callerid));
				if ($superfecta->isCharSetIA5()) {
					$callerid = $superfecta->stripAccents($callerid);
				$callerid = preg_replace("/[\";']/", "", $callerid);
				//limit caller id to the first 60 char
				$callerid = substr($callerid, 0, 60);
				// Display issues on phones and CDR with special characters
				// convert CNAM to UTF-8 to fix
				if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
					$this->out("Converting result to UTF-8");
					$callerid = iconv('ISO-8859-15//TRANSLIT', 'UTF-8', $callerid);
				//send off

			//Set Spam text
			$spam_text = ($superfecta->isSpam()) ? $options['scheme_settings']['SPAM_Text'] : '';
			if($superfecta->isSpam() && $options['scheme_settings']['SPAM_Text_Substitute'] == 'Y') {
				$callerid = $spam_text;
			} else {
				$callerid = trim($spam_text . " " . $superfecta->get_Prefix() . $callerid);

			//Set Spam Destination
			$spam_dest = (!empty($options['scheme_settings']['spam_interceptor']) && ($options['scheme_settings']['spam_interceptor'] == 'Y')) ? $options['scheme_settings']['spam_destination'] : '';
			$this->spamCount = $this->spamCount + (int)$superfecta->get_SpamCount();
			if(!empty($spam_dest) && ($this->spamCount >= (int)$options['scheme_settings']['SPAM_threshold'])) {
				$parts = explode(",", $spam_dest);
				$this->destination = $parts;
				//stop all processing at this point, the spam score is too high
				if(!$keepGoing) {
					$this->out(sprintf(_("Spam Call, Sending call to: %s"),$spam_dest));
					return $callerid;
				} else {
					$this->out(sprintf(_("Call detected as spam, would send call to: %s"),$spam_dest));
			if(!empty($callerid)) {
				if(!$keepGoing) {
					$this->out(sprintf(_("Setting caller id to: %s"),$callerid));
					return $callerid;
				} else {
					$this->out(sprintf(_("This scheme would set the caller id to: %s"),$callerid));
			} else {
				$this->out(_("No callerid found"));
		if(empty($callerid) && !$keepGoing) {
			//No callerid so I guess?
			return $trunk_info['calleridname'];
		} elseif(empty($callerid) && $keepGoing) {
			return false;
		} elseif(!empty($callerid) && $keepGoing) {
			return $callerid;


	public function getSpamScore() {
		return $this->spamCount;

	public function getDest() {
		return $this->destination;

	public function getSchemeDefaults() {
		$defaults = $this->schemeDefaults;
		$defaults['processors_list'] = $this->getProcessors();
		return $defaults;

	public function getProcessors() {
		$processors_list = array();
		foreach (glob(__DIR__ . "/includes/processors/*.php") as $filename) {
			$name = explode("_", basename($filename));
			include $filename;
			$class_name = basename($filename, '.php');
			$class_class = new $class_name();
			$processors_list[] = array(
				"name" => strtoupper($class_class->name),
				"description" => $class_class->description,
				"filename" => basename($filename),
				"selected" => false, //functionality seems strange here
		return $processors_list;

	public function ajaxRequest($req, &$setting) {
		switch($req) {
			case "power":
			case "position":
			case "delete":
			case "options":
			case "save_options":
			case "update_sources":
			case "update_scheme":
			case "copy":
			case "sort":
			case "debug":
				return true;

	public function ajaxCustomHandler() {
		switch($_REQUEST['command']) {
			case "debug":
				echo "<span class='header'>"._('Debug is on and set at level:')."</span> ".$_REQUEST['level']."</br>";
				echo "<span class='header'>"._('The Original Number:')."</span> ".$_REQUEST['tel']."</br>";
				echo "<span class='header'>"._('The Scheme:')."</span> ".$_REQUEST['scheme']."</br>";
				echo "<span class='header'>"._('Scheme Type:')."</span> SINGLEFECTA</br>";
				echo "<span class='header'>"._('Debugging Enabled, will not stop after first result')."</span></br>";
				echo "</br>";
				$time_start = microtime(true);
				$callerid = $this->execute($_REQUEST['scheme'],array(
					'callerid' => $_REQUEST['tel'],
					'did' => '5555555555',
					'extension' => '5555555555',
					'calleridname' => 'CID Superfecta!',
				$time_end = microtime(true);
				echo "</br>";
				echo "<span class='header'>"._('Returned Result would be:')."</span>".$callerid."</br>";
				echo "<span class='header'>".sprintf(_('result took %s seconds'),$time_end - $time_start)."</span>";
				return true;

	public function ajaxHandler() {
		switch($_REQUEST['command']) {
			case "debug":
				return false;
			case "sort":
				$oper = $_POST['position'] == 'up' ? "-" : "+";
				$sql = "UPDATE superfectaconfig SET value = ABS(value ".$oper." 11) WHERE source = ? AND field = 'order'";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				return array("status" => true);
			case "copy":
				$scheme = $_REQUEST['scheme'];
				$int = rand(1,10);

				$sql = "SELECT * FROM superfectaconfig WHERE source = ?";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				$options = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
				$sql = "INSERT INTO superfectaconfig (source, field, value) VALUES (?,?,?)";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				foreach($options as $option) {
					$source = preg_replace('/^base_'.$scheme.'/','base_'.$scheme.'copy'.$int,$option['source']);

				$sql = "SELECT * FROM superfectaconfig WHERE source LIKE ?";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				$options = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
				$sql = "INSERT INTO superfectaconfig (source, field, value) VALUES (?,?,?)";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				foreach($options as $option) {
					$source = preg_replace('/^'.$scheme.'_/','base_'.$scheme.'copy'.$int.'_',$option['source']);

				return array("status" => true, "redirect" => "config.php?display=superfecta&action=edit&scheme=".$scheme.'copy'.$int);
			case "update_scheme":

				$data = array(
					"enable_interceptor" => $_POST['enable_interceptor'] == "on" ? TRUE : FALSE,
					"scheme_name" => preg_replace('/\s/i', '_', preg_replace('/\+/i', '_', trim($_POST['scheme_name']))),
					"scheme_name_orig" => $_POST['scheme_name_orig'],
					"DID" => $_POST['DID'],
					"CID_rules" => $_POST['CID_rules'],
					"Prefix_URL" => $_POST['Prefix_URL'],
					"Curl_Timeout" => $_POST['Curl_Timeout'],
					"SPAM_Text" => $_POST['SPAM_Text'],
					"SPAM_Text_Substitute" => $_POST['SPAM_Text_Substitute'] == "on" ? 'Y' : 'N',
					"processor" => utf8_decode($_POST['processor']),
					"multifecta_timeout" => utf8_decode($_POST['multifecta_timeout']),
					"SPAM_threshold" => $_POST['SPAM_threshold'],

				$type = $_POST['goto0'];
				$data['destination'] = !empty($type) ? $_POST[$type.'0'] : '';

				//see if the scheme name has changed, and make sure that there isn't already one named the new name.
				if(empty($data['scheme_name'])) {
					return array("status" => false, "message" => _("Scheme names cannot be blank"));

				$ret = $this->updateScheme($data['scheme_name_orig'],$data);
				if(!$ret['status']) {
					return array("status" => false, "message" => $ret['message']);

				if($data['scheme_name'] != $data['scheme_name_orig']) {
					return array("status" => true, "redirect" => "config.php?display=superfecta&action=edit&scheme=".$data['scheme_name']);
				} else {
					return array("status" => true, "redirect" => "");

				//add ordering information to database if this scheme doesn't have it
				$highest_order = 0;
				$already_has_order = false;
				$sql = "SELECT source,ABS(value) FROM superfectaconfig WHERE field = 'order' ORDER BY ABS(value)";
				$results = sql($sql, "getAll");
				foreach($results as $val) {
					if($val[0] == "base_".$scheme_name)
						$already_has_order = true;
					$highest_order = $val[1];

				if(!$already_has_order) {
					$sql = "REPLACE INTO superfectaconfig (source,field,value) VALUES('base_".$scheme_name."','order',".($highest_order+1).")";
			case "update_sources":
				$sources = isset($_REQUEST['data'])?implode(",", $_REQUEST['data']):'';
				$sql = "REPLACE INTO superfectaconfig (value, source, field) VALUES(?, ?, 'sources')";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				$sth->execute(array($sources, 'base_'.$_REQUEST['scheme']));
				return array("success" => true);
			case "power":
				$data = preg_replace('/^scheme_/i', '', $_REQUEST['scheme']);
				$sql = "UPDATE superfectaconfig SET value = (value * -1) WHERE field = 'order' AND source = ?";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				return array("status" => true);
			case "delete":
				$sql = "DELETE FROM superfectaconfig WHERE source LIKE ?";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				return array("status" => true);
			case "save_options":
				$path = __DIR__;
				include $path.'/sources/source-'.$_REQUEST['source'].'.module';
				if(!class_exists($_REQUEST['source'])) {
					return array("status" => false);
				$module = new $_REQUEST['source'];
				$params = $module->source_param;

				$scheme = $_REQUEST['scheme'];
				$source = $_REQUEST['source'];
				$sql = "REPLACE INTO superfectaconfig (source,field,value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				foreach($params as $key => $data) {
                                        if (strcmp($data['type'], 'internal') != 0) {
					        $sth->execute(array($scheme . "_" . $source, $key, $_POST[$key]));
				return array("status" => true);
			case "options":
				$scheme = $_REQUEST['scheme'];
				$source = $_REQUEST['source'];

				$sql = "SELECT field, value FROM superfectaconfig WHERE source = ?";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				$sth->execute(array($scheme . "_" . $source));
				$n_settings = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);

				$path = __DIR__;

				include $path.'/sources/source-'.$_REQUEST['source'].'.module';
				if(!class_exists($_REQUEST['source'])) {
					return array("status" => false);
				$module = new $_REQUEST['source'];
				$params = $module->source_param;

				$form_html = '<form id="form_options_'.$_REQUEST['source'].'" action="ajax.php?module=superfecta&command=save_options&scheme='.urlencode($scheme).'&source='.$source.'" method="post">';
				foreach($params as $key => $data) {
					$form_html .= '<div class="form-group">';
					$show = TRUE;
					$default = isset($data['default']) ? $data['default'] : '';
					switch($data['type']) {
						case "text":
							$value = isset($n_settings[$key]) ? $n_settings[$key] : $default;
							$form_html .= '<label for="'.$key.'">'.str_replace("_", " ", $key).'</label><a class="info"><span>'.$data['description'].'</span></a>';
							$form_html .= '<input type="text" class="form-control" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" value="'.$value.'"/>';
						case "password":
							$value = isset($n_settings[$key]) ? $n_settings[$key] : $default;
							$form_html .= '<label for="'.$key.'">'.str_replace("_", " ", $key).'</label><a class="info"><span>'.$data['description'].'</span></a>';
							$form_html .= '<input type="password" class="form-control" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" value="'.$value.'"/>';
						case "checkbox":
							$checked = $default;
							if(isset($n_settings[$key])) {
								if($n_settings[$key] == 'on') {
									$checked = 'checked';
								} else {
									$checked = '';
							$form_html .= '<label for="'.$key.'">'.str_replace("_", " ", $key).'</label><a class="info"><span>'.$data['description'].'</span></a>';
							$form_html .= '<br/><span class="radioset">';
							$form_html .= '<input type="radio" id="'.$key.'_yes" name="'.$key.'"value="on" '.($checked == 'checked' ? 'checked' : '').'>';
							$form_html .= '<label for="'.$key.'_yes">'._('Yes').'</label>';
							$form_html .= '<input type="radio" id="'.$key.'_no" name="'.$key.'"value="off" '.($checked != 'checked' ? 'checked' : '').'>';
							$form_html .= '<label for="'.$key.'_no">'._('No').'</label>';
							$form_html .= '</span>';
						case "textarea":
							$value = isset($n_settings[$key]) ? $n_settings[$key] : $default;
							$form_html .= '<label  for="'.$key.'">'.str_replace("_", " ", $key).'</label><a class="info"><span>'.$data['description'].'</span></a>';
							$form_html .= '<textarea for="'.$key.'"area name="'.$key.'" class="form-control" rows="5" id="'.$key.'">'.$value.'</textarea>';
						case "number":
							$value = isset($n_settings[$key]) ? $n_settings[$key] : $default;
							$form_html .= '<label for="'.$key.'">'.str_replace("_", " ", $key).'</label><a class="info"><span>'.$data['description'].'</span></a>';
							$form_html .= '<input type="number" class="form-control" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" value="'.$value.'" /></td>';
						case "info":
							$form_html .= $default;
						case "select":
							$value = isset($n_settings[$key]) ? $n_settings[$key] : $default;
							$form_html .= '<label for="'.$key.'">'.str_replace("_", " ", $key).'</label><a class="info"><span>'.$data['description'].'</span></a>';
							$form_html .= '<select name="'.$key.'" class="form-control" id="'.$key.'">';
							foreach($data['option'] as $options_k => $options_l) {
								$selected = ($value == $options_k) ? 'selected' : '';
								$form_html .= "<option value=".$options_k." ".$selected.">".$options_l."</option>";
							$form_html .= "</select>";
					$form_html .= '</div>';

				return array("status" => true, "title" => str_replace('_', ' ', $_REQUEST['source']), "html" => $form_html);

	public function reorderSchemes() {
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM superfectaconfig WHERE field = 'order' ORDER BY CONVERT(value, SIGNED INTEGER)";
		$start = 1;
		$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
		$results = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
		foreach($results as $result) {
			$sql = "UPDATE superfectaconfig SET value = ? WHERE source = ? AND field = 'order'";
			$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
			$sth->execute(array($start*10, $result['source']));


	public function getAllPoweredSchemes() {
		$allSchemes = $this->getAllSchemes();
		$schemes = array();
		foreach($allSchemes as $scheme) {
			if($scheme['powered']) {
				$schemes[] = $scheme;
		return $schemes;

	public function getAllSchemes() {
		$sql = "SELECT source as scheme, value as powered FROM superfectaconfig WHERE source LIKE 'base\_%' AND field = 'order' ORDER BY ABS(CONVERT(value, SIGNED INTEGER))";
		$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
		$results = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

		$i = 1;
		$scheme_list = array();
		$total = count($results);
		foreach ($results as $data) {
			$scheme_list[$i] = $data;
			$scheme_list[$i]['name'] = substr($data['scheme'], 5);
			$scheme_list[$i]['showdown'] = $i == $total ? FALSE : TRUE;
			$scheme_list[$i]['showup'] = $i == 1 ? FALSE : TRUE;
			$scheme_list[$i]['showdelete'] = TRUE;
			$scheme_list[$i]['powered'] = $data['powered'] < 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;
		return $scheme_list;

	public function addScheme($scheme, $data = array()) {
		if(empty($scheme)) {
			return array("status" => false, "message" => _("Scheme can not be empty!"));
		$res = $this->getScheme($scheme);
		if(!empty($res)) {
			return array("status" => false, "message" => _("You cannot create a scheme the same name as an existing scheme"));
		$data['order'] = 200;
		$data['scheme_name'] = $scheme;
		return $this->updateScheme($scheme,$data);

	public function updateScheme($scheme, $data = array()) {
		if($data['scheme_name'] != $scheme)	{
			$res = $this->getScheme($data['scheme_name']);
			if(!empty($res)) {
				return array("status" => false, "message" => _("You cannot rename a scheme the same thing as an existing scheme"));
			} else {
				$sql = "UPDATE superfectaconfig SET source = REPLACE(source, ?, ?) WHERE source LIKE ?";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				$sth->execute(array('base_'.$scheme, 'base_'.$data['scheme_name'], 'base_'.$scheme));
				$sth->execute(array('base_'.$scheme.'_', 'base_'.$data['scheme_name'].'_', 'base_'.$scheme.'\_%'));

				$sql = "UPDATE superfecta_to_incoming SET scheme = ? WHERE scheme = ?";
				$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
				$sth->execute(array('base_'.$data['scheme_name'], 'base_'.$scheme));

				$scheme = 'base_'.$data['scheme_name'];
		} else {
			$scheme = 'base_'.$data['scheme_name'];

		$sql = "REPLACE INTO superfectaconfig (source,field,value) VALUES(?,?,?)";
		$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
		$sth->execute(array($scheme,'spam_interceptor',(!empty($data['enable_interceptor']) && $data['enable_interceptor'] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N')));
		$sth->execute(array($scheme,'SPAM_Text_Substitute',(!empty($data['SPAM_Text_Substitute']) && $data['SPAM_Text_Substitute'] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N')));
		if(isset($data['order'])) {
		return array("status" => true);

	public function getScheme($scheme) {
		//strip off base if it's sent to us we dont need it
		$scheme = preg_replace('/^base_/','',$scheme);
		//set some default values for creating a new scheme
		$sql = "SELECT field, value FROM superfectaconfig WHERE source = ?";
		$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
		$return = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);

		if(empty($return)) {
			return false;

		foreach($this->schemeDefaults as $key => $value) {
			if($key == 'SPAM_Text_Substitute' || $key == 'spam_interceptor') {
				if(!isset($return[$key])) {
					$return[$key] = $key;
				} else {
					$return[$key] = ($return[$key] == 'Y') ? true : false;
			} else {
				$return[$key] = !isset($return[$key]) ? $value : $return[$key];

		$return['name'] = $scheme;
		$return['sources'] = !empty($return['sources']) ? explode(',', $return['sources']) : array();
		return $return;

	public function getSchemeAllModuleSettings($scheme) {
		$sql = "SELECT source, field, value FROM superfectaconfig WHERE source LIKE ?";
		$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
		$results = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
		$return = array();
		foreach($results as $result) {
			$result['source'] = preg_replace('/^'.$scheme.'_/i','',$result['source']);
			if(trim($result['value']) == 'off') {
			$return[$result['source']][$result['field']] = $result['value'];
		return $return;

	public function getSchemeModuleSettings($scheme, $module) {
		$sql = "SELECT source, field, value FROM superfectaconfig WHERE source LIKE ?";
		$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
		$results = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
		$return = array();
		foreach($results as $result) {
			$result['source'] = preg_replace('/^'.$scheme.'_/i','',$result['source']);
			if(trim($result['value']) == 'off') {
			$return[$result['source']][$result['field']] = $result['value'];
		return $return;

	public function getActionBar($request) {
		$buttons = array();
		$request['action'] = !empty($request['action']) ? $request['action'] : "";
		switch($request['action']) {
			case 'add':
				$buttons = array(
					'reset' => array(
						'name' => 'reset',
						'id' => 'reset',
						'value' => _('Reset')
					'submit' => array(
						'name' => 'submit',
						'id' => 'submit',
						'value' => _('Submit')
		return $buttons;

The problem is that not all phone-number-lookup sources return UTF-8-codes. Herold-Austria, for example, returns ISO-8859 and there is one template from Germany which does it too (forgot which one it was).

I tested this workaround with Herold-Austria, Telefonabc-Austria, DeTEMedien-DE, Das-Telefonbuch-Germany, LocalTel-CH and it works.

Yet, if there is a foreign name (with special characters) listed in a german lookup-source, than the special character is not displayed correctly. One would have to add this character to the replace list, which currently contains only the german umlauts.

What my workaround does, is, it replaces ä,ü,ö and ß with ae,ue,oe and ss in UTF-8 strings and afterwards converts from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8. If the string was already UTF-8 or is not ISO-8859 it doesnt matter, since the critical characters were already replaced.

line 191: $callerid = strtr($callerid, array(“ü” => “ue”, “ö” => “oe”, “ä” => “ae”, “Ü” => “Ue”, “Ö” => “Oe”, “Ä” => “Ae”, “ß” => “ss”));
line 205: $callerid = iconv(‘ISO-8859-15//TRANSLIT’, ‘UTF-8’, $callerid);

Thats just a workaround…
A real fix would do the conversion lookup-source-specific…aleady within the template.

since nobody speaks German here and nobody was interested in the german umlaut conversion problem of CID-Superfecta…

I speak German and I am interested.

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