CID superfecta & new source


I wrote my own source module source-Keepin_CRM.module to search for a name in the CRM system I use.

But after I added the file to the directory


the source does not appear in the web interface, so I cannot use it.

What needs to be done to make it appear in the list?

Hmm, is there anyone who uses this module and uses sources other than the standard ones? =(

Welcome to the forum!

You’re on the right track.

  1. Copy one of the existing files to create a new file with a unique filename in /var/www/html/admin/modules/superfecta/sources
  2. Ensure it’s owned by asterisk:asterisk (or just run fwconsole chown)
  3. Edit the class line at the top such that the class name matches the unique portion of the filename. I assume it’s case sensitive
# cd /var/www/html/admin/modules/superfecta/sources/
# cp source-Abandon_lookup.module source-new_stuff.module
# chown asterisk:asterisk source-new_stuff.module

after editing file:

 * CID Superfecata lookup to stop a search from progressing.
class new_stuff extends superfecta_base {
        public $description, $source_param;
        public $version_requirement = "2.11";



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