Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to configure FreePBX to spell out the Assigned DID of an extension if it has one. For example extension 400 has DID 8881234567 I would like it to instead of saying “The person at extension 4 0 0 is unavailable”, I would like it to say something like this “The person at 8 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 is unavailable”. I understand that the voicemail is broken up into sections play “The person at extension” then play digit 4, then play digit 0 then play digit 0 again. then play rest of sequence. What I am wondering is if I can change the first section of the sequence, and the end part of the sequence.
For example there are many solutions that would work.
For example if there was a way to change the first sequence and last sequence, and also change it to default to assigned DID when present instead of the extension.
Another example is to instead change the first sequence and last sequence and instead use 10 digit extensions (I’m not sure about all the drawbacks this would have).
A solution that I have considered (but it isn’t perfect), is to have a script generate an unavailable.wav file and busy.wav file that would sound out the digits and assign this to the extension in its voicemail folder. The real problem with this solution is that if the DID changes then you must also ensure to change the message as well… Also it won’t ask the user to record their own personal voicemail option.
Are there any recommended ways of doing this that way we can operate with DID’s dynamically so we don’t have to constantly change the message in order to handle when a DID changes?
Any thoughts on a better solution are much appreciated.