Change permission on /etc/wanpipe/global or disable Digium Mode

Keep getting this on a system with Sangoma A200 card.
Please change permissions on /etc/wanpipe/global.conf or disable Sangoma DIGIUM mode

Saw some posts that suggested deleting warning. This is a valid issue. Cannot dial in or out. System says at times 'Asterisk Cannot be Reached".

Permission issues can be resoled by running

fwconsole chown

Yes sir. Thanks. Did that before posting. Had no impact. Perplexing that it did not work. | I may have it solved though, I connected to server via SFTP and changed the file permission that way. Keeping fingers crossed that permission change sticks.| If not solved, something else may be going on. The GUI throws an “Ajax” error periodically. Should have nothing to do with dadhi or asterisk, but may mean install is corrupted in some way. Install is newest version of Freepbx 16. SNG7-PBX16-64bit-2302-1.iso

Just reporting that the file changes made via SFTP seemed to be remaining after reboot. No idea why the chown command was not working.
So I guess we mark this issue as solved:
I do notice that though calls work fine on this hardware, the global.conf file is empty, whereas on another hardware setup using DAHDI, but not A200 cards, the same file contains the following lines:

I’ll be dipped. After reboot (following setting permissions on global.conf via SFTP) the global.conf file now contains the following lines written by the software:

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