Chan-SCCP-B not working / installing

So, the procedure to install chan_sccp is this (skip to sccp_manager if you already have it installed):

  • First, let’s update the server and install some configuration files
yum update
yum upgrade
yum install git asterisk-devel autoconf automake gcc
  • To provision the phones with their config file, we need to have a tftp server.
    To make sure a tftp-server is installed we run:
yum install tftp tftp-server* xinetd*

After that we have to update/edit the /etc/xinetd.d/tftp file to enable the tftp server.
You should only have to change the disable line to “no”. It should look something like:

service tftp
    id              = tftp
    socket_type     = dgram
    protocol        = udp
    user            = root
    wait            = no
    disable         = no
    server          = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
    server_args     = /tftpboot
    FLAGS           = IPv6 IPv4

Then restart xinetd

systemctl restart xinetd

After updating the packages and installing the TFTP server, let’s move on to downloading chan_sccp:

cd /usr/src
git clone chan-sccp
cd chan-sccp

And now lets install it:

./configure --enable-conference --enable-video     # check './configure --help' for more options
make -j2
make install

After that, we activate it on FreePBX GUI:
Via the FreePBX GUI navigate to Admin->Asterisk Modules, under

  • under ‘Excluded Modules’ add
  • under ‘Manually Loaded Modules’ add

After that, save it, apply it, and i like to do a fwconsole chown and a fwconsole restart to ensure everything is installed and running correctly.

Now that everything is ok with Chan_SCCP, let’s install SCCP Manager!

PS: in my experience, the stable version presented some errors, mainly when configuring the devices. The DEVELOP version works perfectly, I have been using it for more than six months (in test and production environments) and it has never presented any bugs, unlike the stable version, so I recommend using it. But you can test both on your own and see which is best for your scenario.

  • Log in to FreePBX
  • Go to Admin → Module Admin
  • Click Upload Modules.
  • Enter one of the following urls: (Stable Version) (Develop Version, works better for me)

  • Click Download From Web
  • Do a fwconsole chown from CLI to prevent permission errors after downloading
  • Click Manage Local Modules
  • Find and click SCCP Manager. Check Install. Click Process button.
  • Confirm installation.
  • Close Status window.
  • Apply Config to FreePBX.

After that, you can use SCCP Manager normally to configure and provision your phones.

Source of information used:


GitHub - chan-sccp/sccp_manager: SCCP Manager

SCCP Manager. Contribute to chan-sccp/sccp_manager development by creating an account on GitHub.



GitHub - chan-sccp/chan-sccp: Replacement for the SCCP channel driver in…

Replacement for the SCCP channel driver in Asterisk. Extended features include Shared Lines, Presence / BLF, customizable Feature Buttons, and Custom Device State. Visit our discussion mailing list…