I have upgraded freePBX to latest available version and all modules possible. After this I had to enable cdrs and then I had to edit /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf to enable unanswered and congestion (critical for application).
Unfortunately I have remained with this warning:
I tried, no effect, it’s like it doesn’t exists, and that is because in the original cdr.conf (that doesn’t give me any warnings), the include is commented:
[general] #include cdr_general_additional.conf #include cdr_general_custom.conf #include cdr_non_general_custom.conf
#include is the name of the command; the # does not indicate a comment.
I don’t know why cdr_general_custom.conf is not being read. Check permissions. You may find a clue in the Asterisk log. What’s strange is that cdr_general_additional.conf is presumably being read because it contains settings needed for the CDRs to function.
I just tested using the cdr_general_custom.conf file without any issues. Revert all changes you’ve made to any conf files that bear this warning at the top:
; Do NOT edit this file as it is auto-generated by FreePBX. All modifications to ;
; this file must be done via the web gui. There are alternative files to make ;
; custom modifications. ;
My system before any edits:
*CLI> cdr show status
Call Detail Record (CDR) settings
Logging: Enabled
Mode: Simple
Log calls by default: Yes
Log unanswered calls: No
Log congestion: No
Ignore bridging changes: No
Ignore dial state changes: No
* Registered Backends
Adaptive ODBC
I put the following lines in cdr_general_custom.conf:
unanswered = yes
congestion = yes
Do a core reload or asterisk restart:
*CLI> cdr show status
Call Detail Record (CDR) settings
Logging: Enabled
Mode: Simple
Log calls by default: Yes
Log unanswered calls: Yes
Log congestion: Yes
Ignore bridging changes: No
Ignore dial state changes: No
* Registered Backends
Adaptive ODBC