Can't register system

I’ve got FreePBX 17 Up and running on a Hetzner VPS. I’m trying to register the system so that I can access some of the features that are only available to registered systems. However, when I fill out the registration form and click “Create,” it does nothing… No error feedback, it just does nothing. Any ideas?

IP address blocked?

Maybe I’m misunderstanding your question. You’re asking about my public IP Address I’m on and filling out the Activation registration form from?

I have, in my server, my IP Address whitelisted as “Local (Local trusted traffic)”, so I’m on my Admin Dashboard. When I go to System Admin, I can’t do anything because my machine isn’t “Activated.” So I click Activate > Fill out the registration form > Click “Create” and then nothing happens… it just sits there.

Well, I think I got it working, actually. It said that physical location information was optional, and it gave me no warning for skipping it, but it wasn’t until I filled that out that it let me complete activation.

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