I’m trying to install UCP on FreePBX, running on a Raspberry Pi 5.
Whenever I try to install it via commandline (fwconsole ma downloadinstall ucp) i get:
In Pm2.class.php line 402: Undefined variable $log
When trying to install it via Module Admin I get the same Error Message
Is there any obvious solution to this or any other idea I could follow?
Thanks in advance
(Kapil Gupta)
Hi @JakobTRK
Raised [bug]: PM2 module generating error if the PM2DiSABLELOG is true · Issue #434 · FreePBX/issue-tracker · GitHub to keep track of this issue.
This is due to undefined variable error occurred now mainly due to PHP 8.2.
For the time being you can set below variable to false which is currently set to true in your case.
fwconsole setting PM2DISABLELOG false
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