Can't add Vega

When I try to add our Vega Gateway I click on Add Gateway, type in the IP, username, password and click click Discover and I get the following error.

Error:Undefined index: ip File:/var/www/html/admin/modules/vega/includes/VegaGwInterface.class.php:179

If I hit discover it does not find it, if i type the password wrong it tells me bad password so I know its seeing it. I can log into the Vega via IP with no issues. What am I missing?

What is your system version? 16, 17?
I think it’s a bug,
Undefined index looks like an array without an “ip” index.

But, maybe this error may appear when the system cannot detect the IP address. Let’s see that.

Can you ping this IP address from your system from the SSH console?

I found the Vega module unhelpful and stopped using it. Firmware updates didn’t work and the provisioning is too simple, missing many important settings. If you have to edit the provisioning file by hand then it seems pointless. I managed a Vega through its web interface until eventually moving to a better gateway.

1 Like is my version
yes I can ping it from SSH console

Ok, I Think there is a bug so.
@kgupta Can you check please.

@billsimon I have never used this module in my life. Anyway, this module is commercial and if there is a bug in it, it should be fixed as well.
Why not improve this module by the way.

I know we have worked with Vega 50 and 60. They are not too expensive and work well.

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Vega module is deprecated

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Interesting. So too is iSymphony/Xactview, but not High Availability, which hasn’t worked since FreePBX 14…?

It would make some sense for Vega provisioning to be worked into EPM, except that the provisioning method is a clunky SSH-and-paste-the-config session.

As for the iSymphony module, weird to deprecate the connector (which syncs PBX config to iSymphony) while still selling licenses for iSymphony itself.

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The HA has been replaced by Advanced Recovery.
iSymphony, their support is not efficient. You paid, and next, there is no service.
I know lot of clients who paid a support and no serice.

I agree with you. It should be included with EPM.

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