Cannot open FreePBX administration page


I recently installed AsteriskNOW 1.7.1 with FreePBX, but when i try try to access FreePBX adminstration page in web browser( it direct to /var/www/html and does not show page to add sip clients. Do i need to do any change to fix this problem?
Anyone can give me some help?

Thank you,


Please do not post two copies of the same question.

Asterisk Now is not supported by the FreePBX team. They Include FreePBX with Asterisk but it is not complete and has issues. If you search forum for Asterisk Now you will get an understanding.

If you want the full support of our community, go to our downloads page and take a look at the options for the FreePBX distro.

It should direct you to the main landing page. From there you need to click on Administration which will then ask for authentication before redirecting you to our dashboard. If not, I’d look at the apache logs to see if you notice anything weird in them.