Cannot dial into remote IVR

From my pbx I can’t dial a specific remote pbx IVR (I don’t know which pbx is and what type of telephone lines) , digits are simply ignored.
If I switch my outgoing sip trunk to “inband DTMF” it works (but then calls to other customers IVR fails).

Can I switch temporarily “on the fly” from my phones DTMF to be sent via inband method ?

Any thought about issue ?

You can try Auto.
If sometimes it doesn’t work, try to check which codec is used.
Some codecs do not handle DTMF as expected.
For example, a codec with G723 or G729 should accept a DTMF type Info. This means that the DTMF will go through the SIP protocol.

You can also enable the DTMF debugging options on Asterisk and you will see the code in the logs.

Just an idea like that.

Auto is default (at least on Trunk pjsip settings)
At this point, I suppose it is a counterpart pbx/lines issue
That’s why I asked for eventual possibility to switch an IP phone to send temporarily DTMF as audio frequncy instead of digital signaling.

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