I’m a noob. I have set up a fresh FreePBX 17 instance on a Hetzner VPS running Debian 12. I utilized the installation method outlined in the github repo. The instance seems to be running perfectly, I have followed some Telnyx guides to set up one of my Telnyx numbers with FreePBX, but I can’t call the number, text the number, or text from the number. I can, however, call from the number.
I have SIP Trunking set up on Telnyx, along with a Username and Password.
On my FreePBX server, I created a PJSIP Trunk that has-
General Settings:
- Trunk Name - Telnyx SIP Trunking Username
- Outbound callerID - Telnyx number (US Number, +10000000000 format, I’m in the US)
- CID Options - Allow Any CID
Dialed Number Manipulation Rules:
- Prepend - 1
- Match Pattern - NXXNXXXXXX
pjsip Settings:
- Username - By default this says “username is trunk name” (hence my chosen trunk name)
- Secret - Telnyx SIP Trunking Password
- Authentication - Both
- Registration - None
- SIP Server - sip.telnyx.com
- SIP Server Port - 5060
Everything else is default
For my extension I set it up with -
General Settings:
- Display Name - 1001
- Outbound CID - Telnyx number (US Number, +10000000000 format)
- Enabled - Yes
- Voicemail Password - 1001
Everything else id default.
Now, my Inbound Route has -
- Description - Telnyx Inbound
- DID Number - Telnyx number (US Number, +10000000000 format)
- Caller ID Number - Any
- Set Destination - Extensions | 1001 1001
Everything else is default.
Here’s my Outbound Routes configuration -
Route Settings:
- Route Name - Telnyx IP Outbound
- Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes - The trunk I set up (with the Telnyx Username name)
Dial Patterns:
- Prepend - 1
- Match Pattern - NXXNXXXXXX
Everything else is default.
I have the Firewall enabled, as well as “Responsive Firewall” enabled and “SIP Protocol (pjsip)” under Responsive Firewall enabled. I have Fail2Ban Bypass Disabled. The only Network I have set under Networks is my home network and I have it set to “Trusted (Excluded from Firewall)”
I set up my account on MicroSIP, and MicroSIP connected to the server immediately. I can call FROM the softphone, and when I call my personal cell the call comes through. I can’t text, though. When I try sending text messages either way, nothing happens. I also can’t call the number. I try to call it from my cell and the call ends immediately.
Is there something I’ve done wrong?