Cannot add Music on hold

I don’t seem to be able to add a Music on hold category nor upload music (i’m running 2.4).

If I upload an MP3 (final.mp3) file it just accepts the up load but I cannot find it. I get this error:-

Error Processing: “Could not find “/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/orig_final.mp3”.” for final.mp3!
This is not a fatal error, your Music on Hold may still work.

But ther is no sign of the file anywhere.

If I try to upload a wav file it jumps back to the status screen!!

Also as someone else has reported I cannot play a system recording. I get a pop-up that says:-

You don’t have permission to access /admin/modules/recordings/popup.php on this server.
Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at pbx Port 80

Can anyone help?


it looks like you do not have your permissions set correctly on your install. What versions of Asterisk & FreePBX are you using, What distro did you use to build this, or what OS and directions did you use to build your setup?
Just about everything asterisk needs access to needs asterisk:asterisk for owner and group. This includes /var/www/html/admin and on down. along with /var/lib/asterisk/* and on down.