I know that now the new FreePBX 17 download and installation procedure is via running the installation script on Debian 12. However is there still a link or a way to download the ongoing latest version manually from the repo? If yes, what is the url for it?
Thanks for your reply, do you know if that framework from github is the latest 17 RC1 release? I downloaded the zip file and unpacked it, checked the module.xml and found it shows.
FreePBX Framework
I did the same with freepbx-17.0-latest-EDGE.tgz, checked the module.xml and it shows the same version too, while the whole package is a bit bigger than the framework. Does that means they are the same version and if version 17.0.18 is 17 RC1?
freepbx-freepbxdistro-17.0-latest.tgz - All open source and commercial modules
freepbx-17.0-latest - All open source modules which are in stable repo
freepbx-17.0-latest-EDGE - All open source modules which are in edge repo
Thank you so much for your reply! So basically if I want to get and install the ongoing latest FreePBX, i.e.17 RC1, I should use the “freepbx-17.0-latest-EDGE - All open source modules which are in edge repo”?
Previously all our commercial modules were tied to our SNG7 distro so we used to release only open source module tarballs but not as all of the commercial modules can run into Debian as well so “freepbx-freepbxdistro-17.0-latest.tgz” contains pretty much all the supported modules.
use freepbx-freepbxdistro-17.0-latest.tgz if you want commercial modules as well.
This can cause a licensing issue for those who want to distribute things per the GPL. If the mouthpieces in charge TRULY care about open source as they claim the commercial and open source stuff should remain separate and independent.