Up until now, I only had enabled fail2ban on my freepbx. Seeing that there is no way to permanently ban ip addresses just by using fail2ban, today I also enabled the firewall. How can I configure the firewall to automatically and permanently ban the ip addresses that fail2ban bans?
Or if the firewall can’t talk to fail2ban, how can I permanently and automatically blacklist the banned/blacklisted ip addresses?
Will the Blacklist option, automatically pick up the fail2ban banned IP’s and ban them permanently? Or do we have to add each IP to the Blacklist manually?
I’m only asking because fail2ban is managed through freepbx and I don’t want to upgrade it, and break any functionality/communication between the 2 software.
According to the instructions on the fail2ban download page, in order to install the stable version of fail2ban, I first have to install EPEL packages.