Can only register two phones?

Hello Everyone,

I’m sure this problem is very quickly solved by anyone more experienced then me.

I started up a freepbx server in Vultr, set the firewall settings to allow connections from my ip address. and registered two phones, all good no problem.

However, when I try to register anymore then two phones, it does not work. All extensions are set up as legacy_chan sip

Thank you for your help!

On a new system? Why?

Phone make/model? How provisioned (EPM, OSS EPM, hand-written config files, from phone’s web interface, etc.)? I assume that the first two phones continue to work normally but the additional ones fail to register. If not, please provide details. ISP? Modem make/model? Bridged? Router/firewall make/model? SIP ALG (if applicable) disabled? Any VoIP-specific settings?

Does anything appear in the Asterisk log when the phones fail to register? If not, run sngrep, do their REGISTER requests appear?

As a guess, try disabling SIP ALG in the router and setting a unique local SIP port on each phone. Don’t use 5060 for any of them.

Hey Stewart,

I will definitely get you that information in detail when im back at the office tomorrow.

The one thing I will say, is that we do not have access to the router, as we get our access for free from the ISP because we are their hub to serve other customers.

I know at the moment the information is scant, but if it is what you believe it to be, would installing the server in-house resolve that issue?


Possibly, though IMO you should first understand what is going wrong and try simple workarounds.

There are of course pros and cons of on-site vs. cloud. For most small businesses, a major advantage of cloud is that if your power or internet goes out, the system will still answer calls and can send them to staff mobile phones or to voicemail. With SIP apps that can connect over mobile data, the system can remain fully functional in a power or internet outage. If the software fails, you can restore from a snapshot or backup almost instantly. If the hardware fails, the cloud provider quickly moves you to another node.

However, it sounds like your case is special (UPS, generator, redundant internet connections, etc.) so an on-site system would be quite robust.

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