Calls to ring group also reaches an extension that is not in that ring group

Hi everyone,

I’m currently struggling with the following issue:

I have a ring group (20) setup that is supposed to reach two extensions: 21 and 22.

When dialing the ring group (20), the two extensions start ringing which is correct. But a third extension (11) also rings that is not in that ring group. Anyone have any idea why this can be happening?

Any active follow-me settings of extension 21 or 22?

No, The follow-me settings are not enabled for both extensions.

It is very unusual to use a 2-digit number for the ringgroup.
Are you sure you haven’t created an extension with the number 20…and THE phone is registered to 11 and 20?

I have no existing extension with the number 20. The phone is only registered to 11, no other number. (I just double-checked incase).

Is this a call coming from outside? Is there an incoming route, which points to the ring group? What happens, when you dial 20 on the ext-11 phone?
EDIT: You could also check the Asterisk logfiles (freePBX webgui)!

Did you configure this freePBX server? Is it new? If not, are there any custom extensions?

Just to find out…create a new ring group with number e.g. 200 and check, if ext-11 is still ringing.

I was able to find the problem. On one of the endpoints (21), in the settings of the phone itself, call forwarding was turned on and set to redirect calls to 11… Thanks for the potential solutions, they were able to steer me in the right direction.

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Thanks for the feedback. Just curious…what phone model? Cisco?

Cisco SPA504g

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