hello there, i have an issue which i cant solve, your help is greatly apriciated.
my issue is with the callerID of calls being forwarded to the PSTN by the freepbx. my PSTN provider blocks foreign callerid’s.
Extension 123 has the CID 123123123. how ever when the extension has call forwading enabled, the calls are forwareded but show the callerID of the trunk eg 123123999. on the trunk i have set callerid 123123999 and “block foerign callerID’s” . if i remove the trunk number and leave it blank, the calls will show 123123000 which is the main SIP trunk number.
ive played around with “allow any CID” on the trunk and “Send RPID” on the advanced tab of the extension, but still im not able to get the calls forwareded to show the DID assigned to each respective extension.
If you want to show 123123123 on the forwarded calls, use Follow Me instead of call forwarding.
Set Change External CID Configuration to Outside Calls Fixed CID Value and set Fixed CID Value to 123123123. On the trunk, set Allow Any CID.
If you want to show the number of the original caller, consider using a SIP app, instead of forwarding as a mobile voice call. Possibly, your provider allows sending a caller ID that’s not yours, if you meet certain technical requirements, e.g. a Diversion header; check with them. As a last resort, use a different (foreign) trunking provider for these calls. Unfortunately, the good ones are expensive, e.g. Voxbeam (Platinum route) costs $0.135/min. to Du and $0.1787/min. to Etisalat.