Call Monitoring empty

Call monitoring shows no call records and no call recordings, can someone point me in the right direction as to why that may be?

Sounds like you dont have mysql_cdr setup for asterisk. What distro did you use to install FreePBX?

not sure how to check. where do i need to go to see which distro i am using?

How did you install the system? Distro is short for “Distribution” he is asking if you used or disk. PBX in a Flash, Asterisk Now, Elastix or God forbid trixbox.

Also can you post the output of ‘cdr show status’ and ‘cdy mysql show status’

the easy install available on this site.

What do you mean the easy install from this site. That is not Asterisk Now.

Do you have a link to what you are referring to?

That is not what you just said. You said you Installed Asterisk Now.

What do you seen when you do this.

cat /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version

i must be doing something wrong!

You also did not send the info from the command I asked for.

If the FreePBX distro file is not in that directory then you did not install software from this site. Are you sure you did not make any typo’s?

Post the entire contents of the /etc/asterisk directory with the [code]tags[/code] so we can read it. It should look like this:

[root@pioneer /]# ls /etc/asterisk
asterisk.conf                            freepbxdistro-version               privacy.conf
ccss.conf                                freepbx_featurecodes.conf.template  queues_additional.conf
ccss_general_additional.conf             freepbx_menu.conf.template          queues.conf
ccss_general_custom.conf                 freepbx_module_admin.conf           queues_custom.conf
cdr.conf                                 globals_custom.conf                 queues_custom_general.conf
cdr_mysql.conf                           iax_additional.conf                 queues_general_additional.conf
cdr_mysql.conf~                          iax.conf                            queues_post_custom.conf
cdr_mysql.conf.bak                       iax_custom.conf                     res_fax.conf
chan_dahdi_additional.conf               iax_custom_post.conf                res_fax_custom.conf
chan_dahdi.conf                          iax_general_additional.conf         res_fax_digium.conf
chan_dahdi.conf~                         iax_general_custom.conf             res_fax_digium_custom.conf
chan_dahdi.conf.template                 iax_registrations.conf              res_snmp.conf
confbridge_additional.conf               iax_registrations_custom.conf       res_snmp.conf~
confbridge.conf                          indications.conf                    rtp.conf
confbridge_custom.conf                   ivrpro                              sip_additional.conf
dahdi-channels.conf                      localprefixes.conf                  sip.conf
dahdi-channels.conf.bak                  logger.conf                         sip_custom.conf
directorypro                             logger_general_additional.conf      sip_custom_post.conf
enum.conf                                logger_general_custom.conf          sip_general_additional.conf
extensions_aastra.conf                   logger_logfiles_additional.conf     sip_general_custom.conf
extensions_additional.conf               logger_logfiles_custom.conf         sip_nat.conf
extensions_additional.conf~              manager_additional.conf             sip_notify_additional.conf
extensions.conf                          manager.conf                        sip_notify.conf
extensions_custom.conf                   manager.conf.2.7.0.bak              sip_notify_custom.conf
extensions_custom.conf.sample            manager.conf.2.8.0.bak              sip_notify_endpointman.conf
extensions_override_freepbx.conf         manager.conf.bak                    sip_registrations.conf
features_applicationmap_additional.conf  manager_custom.conf                 sip_registrations_custom.conf
features_applicationmap_custom.conf      meetme_additional.conf              version
features.conf                            meetme.conf               
features_featuremap_additional.conf      modem.conf                
features_featuremap_additional.conf~     modules.conf              
features_featuremap_custom.conf          musiconhold_additional.conf         voicemail.conf
features_general_additional.conf         musiconhold.conf                    voicemail.conf~
features_general_custom.conf             musiconhold_custom.conf             voicemail.conf.template
features_general_custom.conf~            phone.conf                          zapata.conf.template
freepbxdistro-failsafe                   phpagi.conf
[root@pioneer /]#

Or do you have a file called something like /etc/asterisknow or /etc/asterisknow-version

[root@localhost ~]# ls /etc/asterisk
asterisk.conf logger_general_custom.conf
ccss.conf logger_logfiles_additional.conf
ccss_general_additional.conf logger_logfiles_custom.conf
ccss_general_custom.conf manager_additional.conf
cdr.conf manager.conf
cdr_mysql.conf manager.conf.bak
cdr_mysql.conf.bak manager_custom.conf
cdr_odbc.conf meetme_additional.conf
cdr_odbc.conf.bak meetme.conf
chan_dahdi_additional.conf modem.conf
chan_dahdi.conf modules.conf
chan_dahdi.conf.template musiconhold_additional.conf
chan_dahdi_general.conf musiconhold.conf
chan_dahdi_groups.conf musiconhold_custom.conf
confbridge_additional.conf phone.conf
confbridge.conf phpagi.conf
confbridge_custom.conf privacy.conf
digium_phones queues_additional.conf
enum.conf queues.conf
extensions_additional.conf queues_custom.conf
extensions.conf queues_custom_general.conf
extensions_custom.conf queues_general_additional.conf
extensions_custom.conf.sample queues_post_custom.conf
extensions_override_freepbx.conf res_digium_phone_additional.conf
features_applicationmap_additional.conf res_digium_phone.conf
features_applicationmap_custom.conf res_digium_phone_devices.conf
features.conf res_digium_phone_general.conf
features_featuremap_additional.conf rtp.conf
features_featuremap_custom.conf sip_additional.conf
features_general_additional.conf sip.conf
features_general_custom.conf sip_custom.conf
freepbx_featurecodes.conf.template sip_custom_post.conf
freepbx_menu.conf.template sip_general_additional.conf
freepbx_module_admin.conf sip_general_custom.conf
globals_custom.conf sip_nat.conf
iax_additional.conf sip_notify_additional.conf
iax.conf sip_notify.conf
iax_custom.conf sip_notify_custom.conf
iax_custom_post.conf sip_notify_endpointman.conf
iax_general_additional.conf sip_registrations.conf
iax_general_custom.conf sip_registrations_custom.conf
iax_registrations.conf version
localprefixes.conf voicemail.conf
logger.conf voicemail.conf.template
logger_general_additional.conf zapata.conf.template

Yes i have the file but when i try to run it gives me permission denied

Ok that means you are not using the FreePBX Distro but AsteriskNow with FreePBX GUI. They do not set the CDRs for MySQL and do not provide packages anymore for doing so. Not sure how to get it working without actually going through the process and seeing what it would take.

I suggest the easiest way woudl be to download and install the actual FreePBX Distro not AsteriskNOW

Saladdin the other incredibly annoying thing is you wasted the time of two people because you can’t follow directions and did not even know what software you installed.

1 - I could barely read your post as you did not use the tags like I asked you to

2 - You never posted the output of the Asterisk commands I requested

If you want help in forums you need to post accurate information and follow directions. If you can’t do that you are not going to have a good experience with Open Source software.