Bulk Handler

Hi All,
I’m using the Bulk Handler to import extensions and i have imported the first worked good, I had made a mistake which i had do delete all the extension from the extension module, now when i use the Bulk Handler I get this message “there is nothing to import” is the any cache i have to clear if so how do i do it thank you.

Hi @bajramia Check your MySQL DB tables.

fwconsole m
select * from users;

If you see empty your SQL user table try to change name on your cvs file and attached again.

Thank you @sanzir here is the output

MariaDB [asterisk]> select * from users;
Empty set (0.01 sec)

Hello @bajramia Change your cvs file name and agin try to add in Bulk Handler --> Import --> Extension
Should be works now.

If not works, create one extension then check this extension on SQL.
Use Bulk Handler --> Export and edit new cvs file add your extensions in new file

Thank you i have changed the name and same message i get import

Try this way.

I did created the user and the SQL shows the user i created i have export the list add all the other extensions try to import same message

Last think pls check your CVS file type ( example.cvs )
example.cvs file check permissions (read / write / execute )

it worked i have on extension name like this John’s was not accepting thank you.

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