Bria iPad Presence Status

I have started testing the Bria iPad app with Freepbx

All works well except I am unable to get the presence to show updated status on iPad. It does show when users are ‘available’ but will not update when off hook, ringing, etc.

I am not having any problem on the Mac or Windows desktop Bria 3 application - this is showing all presence information correctly.

I have contacted Counterpath support and after reviewing the iPad logs they are indicating it is at the server level as they are unable to duplicate this issue on their end. I did advise them the Bria 3 desktop application does show updated presence information correctly, therefore the server is providing the information. They indicated Bria 3 is using older technology than the iOS/iPad apps.

Anyone have any thoughts on what settings may need to change on FreePBX to get presence to update correctly on the iPad?