Bootstrap updates for FreePBX 16

Anyone who is using the Edge repo on FreePBX 16 may have noticed a huge number of module upgrades last night. This is related to bootstrap and jquery library updates. Starting in framework version and ucp module version 16.0.18 the following libraries have been updated:

Libraries Old Version New Version
Bootstrap 3.3.7 4.6.1
Bootstrap Multiselect 0.9.13 1.1.1
Bootstrap table 1.11.1 1.20.1
jQuery 3.1.1 3.6.0
jQuery-ui 1.12 1.13

This necessitates touching most other modules to resolve any changes between the library versions.


@lgaetz that’s a lot of plumbing changes , not trying to Monday Morning Quarterback, but wouldn’t this many touches and changes typically hit on a new version release (17)? Was there a security issue with existing bootstrap versions or someone just get around to updating versions? (Don’t get me wrong It’s good to see dependencies being updated, just curious.)

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There are a few security issues against jquery 3.1.1, I’m not sure of the other projects. 17 is too far away to have delayed this work.

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Updated to the latest edge of all the modules and I have to assume that nobody in QA has touched this yet. So many things are broken and not usable? Hate to start my own testing here if you guys have not even tested yet. Lots of JS errors like cant find setAttribute which keeps you from doing almost anything in UCP.

Also appears you are pulling in the branding logo from FreePBX admin now in the header but the space you are providing for such a logo will only work with the small FreePBX logo any of your branding customers that space is not enough and the logo will bleed over into the first tab. Also you have now ordered tabs from left to right where before hey were right to left. Why the change on this?

Hi Tony, happy birthday!

I’m unable to repro any of what you’re reporting on a stock 16 FreePBX distro. I’ve even tested with PBXact, tho it will be a good while before any of these changes will be pinned for PBXact. If you have steps to repro, please open a ticket.


So for example if you go to voicemail widget and click on the check box next to a voicemail you do not get any JS error or notices about setAttribute

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As announced above, starting May 18, FreePBX Engineering started publishing changes to the FreePBX 16 edge repo for updating a few core/framework libraries including JQuery and Bootstrap in an effort to get them on supported versions (current versions are end of life and receive no maintenance or fixes). In the wake of the announcement, we’ve received some external feedback on potential negative impact on third party modules, and held some internal conversations as a result. Ultimately we’ve decided that since there is a risk that these changes could potentially break third party modules, best practice dictates that they must wait for FreePBX 17 instead of being released in a current supported version. We’ll be taking steps to revert these library updates to the edge release of FreePBX 16 in the coming days.

Note that all of this work was published only to the edge repo, and would not have affected FreePBX systems configured to update from the stable repo, nor would PBXact systems be affected. Thank you to those that offered comments and suggestions.

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I am glad to hear you have re-thought this roll out but just for clarification things were broken in stock FreePBX 16 with no other modules installed but FreePBX modules. So this did not effect only 3rd party modules.

This has been brought up before but if development was discussed ahead of time and done in the open and transparent things like this could be avoided. When development is done behind closed doors and only pushed to public GIT after all the work is done you miss out on getting community input to help avoid costly mistakes like this. How do we go about reversing this change the last 2 years in FreePBX and get things being done in the public and using public tickets not hidden internal tickets?

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