Blog Post: Open Source Projects at Sangoma

Hey all,

It’s not often I start a thread here but today is one of those days! I just published a blog post:

On both the FreePBX and Asterisk blogs talking about some work I’ve been doing at Sangoma in regards to open source. I’ve created this thread in the “General Help” category so anyone can respond with any questions or comments they may have since this is more uncharted territory for FreePBX and its community (Asterisk has been this way for… 6+ months at this point). I’ll try to answer them as best I can, but do note from a nitty gritty level I’m the Asterisk Project Lead, I don’t know the code details and other such things of FreePBX itself except in passing and when I’ve had to go looking to understand things.



And then @lgaetz moved it to the Blog category because the permissions aren’t as restrictive as I thought they were. :smiley:


Hi @jcolp,
I have a question about community code repositories.
Are these repositories going to be published on GitHub?
I mention this since I created one called synologyabb and I wanted to know if they are going to be migrated or if I have to create a new one myself.

That sounds like a FreePBX specific thing, I will defer to @lgaetz on the specifics of that.

Ultimately, yes these will all end up on GitHub as well, but we have not finalized details yet.

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